Chapter 10

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  We stay silent and Zerina repeats her speech again.

  "You are coming with me," Zerina says. "If not, someone shall kill you all."

  "No," I say. I know if Zal was here he would been saying this. "Whoever this someone is, we will not get killed."

  "You talk too fast, girl," Zerina sneers. The Mystics don't move. I feel myself getting all angry at Zerina again but I hold my anger in first.

  "Well, who is this someone?" Taron speaks up and Zerina's gaze fall on him.

  "Someone you all know," Zerina says before whispering quietly. "Dear Lumi's loved one."

  Zal. It's Zal! He's going to kill us? He will never do that, no! Unless they did something to him, then he might. No, no, this can't be happening.

  I stay quiet and this time Odette speaks.

  "Oh, you mean Zal? He will never kill us," Odette says. "You must be crazy to even think he will!"

  "Sorry Odette," Zerina replies. "But I'm sure he will."

  "Well, I won't let him," I say. 

  "You won't have a say in this," Zerina says before prompting the Mystics to come towards us. The Mythical Officers pushes us against the wall, but I don't resist, afraid that they might hurt Zal if we don't cooperate. We stand against the wall before the officers release us and walk to the corner and wait for Zerina to continue. 

  "He's coming soon," Zerina snarls at us fiercely. "Oh, where is my dear friend Kira?"

  Before anyone could say anything, Zerina continues. "Actually I don't really care."

  I watch the door constantly to see when will Zal enter.

  "When he arrives, I will be the only one watching you die," Zerina says wickedly. I didn't know Zerina wanted us dead! They wanted us for tests, so I bet she's just lieing. Well, who knows? The Mythical Officials leave the room and Zerina stands at the side while waiting for Zal to arrive. 

  "How about, let's see you all die one by one? Yeah?" Zerina suggests before looking at me. "Taron and Odette, leave the room now and wait outside." 

  Before we can use our magic to stop her, two Mythical Officials quickly enter the room and pull them out. They're stronger, I can see. They are not as weak as before. And now, there is only Zerina and I in the room. I cannot kill Zerina now, considering Zal's life. I stand there quietly and stared at Zerina, then the door, and back at her. Zerina stays silent too, with a smile plastered on her face. I wait for the door to open.

  What if I really die? Will Zal really kill me? Can I stop him? 

  The door opens. And I see two Mythical Officials holding Zal's hands, as Zal walked mechnically into the room. The Mythical Officials leave the room. Zerina stays hidden in the corner and all Zal sees is me. 

  "Zal," I say quietly before walking towards him. He does not reply. He glares at me. I stop walking and observe his movement. He walks closer to me and stops. He then walks backwards again and stays there. What is he doing? I call his name again quietly but he still does not reply. I turn my head to look at Zerina who is silently watching us with a smirk on her face. Zal looks down at me before walking backwards again. 

  What in the world is he doing? Does he even know what he is doing? He is being controlled by something. He is just like a robot. A killing robot. 

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