Mob 6 - This World's Mystery

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New Chapter !
300+ reader?! wow, ty for everyone who's willing to read this crappy english, I will try my best to improve.


"ne~Master~ the outside scenery is really, really pretty~ don't you just want to ride a very awesome, beautiful wolf and run across the flowery road?"

"attracting the merchant and create a painstaking trouble? then sure, I can leave you there just to clean up the mess"

"it's okay~ it's okay~ I can just eat them, and there will be no trace and proof of trouble~"

"tsk, tsk, tsk~ don't you, yourself said that eating human is really unhygenic? do you seriously want to eat burly, sweating uncle outside??"

"it's okay~ it's okay~ I will do anything, just get me out from this damned carriage already !" she spilled her true intention....

yes, me and Yukine is in the carriage going to the house of Marguerite dukedom, to visit Camillia Marguerite, known for her super spoiled attitude, and always chase the prince and many noble men around

in other words, I'm visiting the game villainess house right now

how did it come to this, you ask?



"Alice, can you come to my office after dinner?" my father asked

"okay, but why?"

"it's regarding of socializing..." my father's face looks like swallowing something bitter

"okay !" I have no objection, if it's about making connection. It's common for a lady,
even if I has to withstand a lot of brats with frills's ranting about how the prince is too charming or 'the prince is staring at me 3 years ago, he must've fallen for me~' kind of talk....

my father smile and kiss me, before leaving the library saying that he will prepare something

then let's keep reading-

"ne~ master~ I think you almost forgot my existence...." the maid make a dumb face and display her sadness

.....Oh, yeah I forgot....

"then, what do you want to do?"

"hai~ let's start by giving me a slight pain first. since I want to measure master's sadism level, please give it the best you got~" the pervert start to took out whip and rope from [infinite storage] with excited expression

.....I feel stupid asking her

"forget it... Yukine, I want to ask something...."


"you already aware of my identity right?"

"identity? what?"

"I tought you already read all of my memories?"

"oh no~ I do read all of my master's memories but that's just minor, there's is this restricted area where master keeps all of her secret. I will not read unless master give me the permission" Yukine face became serious, I was startled for abit

I want to tell yukine regarding this world as otome game because it will be easier in the future...
but if I ended up letting her read all of my secrets, she will know that I am a major fujoshi, that I always make a sin note about my ikemen colleague, or I almost accidently crippled a guy who call me an old witch and alot of embarrasing past.
is that mean she has to tell her the whole fucking thing?! IT'S A PAIN IN THE ASS ! even if you use telepathy....

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