Mob 3 - Cruel Reality and...

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New, chapter ppl~
don't hesitate to point out mistake and giving out some advise
your help will be appreciated
enjoy :)


let's learn magic !
I know that's what I said

"what the hell....." as I stare at the book, speechless

a numerous rune and alot of different pattern of circle is in this paper

"....The cheat protagonist in the novels will just use 'imagination' or something, but u need to memorize the whole f@#$ing rune....."

yes, this is reality
you need to memorize the whole rune and chanting and chant it with our language.... there also things with affinity too...

"let thou crackle [ignite]"
and a glowing orb suddenly appear

well, I can memorize a elementary rune, but I can't feel really satisfied with the peformance. But the orb is not big, so I suppose fire is not my affinity....

there are alot of type:




beast phantasm [A/N : FGO ref]

anddd just that....
if you want to do magic without chanting you probably need a [spirit beast]

like if you contracted inferno scale, salamender the fire spirit beast, you can do fireball or fire cage, etc chantless

but it's already hard to encounter one, moreover contracting them....
to think she herself just make a complicated system in the game because she's getting tired with all 'magic is imagination' cliché...

"perhaps, like your usual reincarnation cheat character, suddenly a god rank spirit beast appear infront of me...?" I just make a silly tought [A/N : she raised the flag-]


a huge wolf just appear in front of me
[young lady, may I know your name?][A/N : anddddd the flag was answered]

and it can talk....
it appears......
it really appears....

"maybe just like your reincarnation cheat, suddenly a heap of gold trasure which can make you filthy rich in one day, suddenly appear in the garden"
I glanced at the window where I can see the garden [A/N : she try to raise another flag-]

nothing happen....[A/N : anddd failed]
how disapointing.....

[young lady?]
the wolf looked at me, confused

"there's nothing wrong for a brat to wish a little...." I murmured regretfully. Yes, I'm a greedy human being [A/N : we all do]

I looked at the wolf and give my greetings
"greetings, my name is Alice Argelia, The first and only child of the Argelia dukedome, pleased to meet you. I assumed your a spiritual beast, and a high-rank one on top of that"
I examined the being infront of me,
a huge beast that resembles the wolf, with the end of its huge white fur dancing in the airs,.its eyes are clear emerald which gives the aura of divinity.
A majestic being...

A/N : like this^^^ it's not mine BTW

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A/N : like this^^^ it's not mine BTW

there's a tinge of red in that furry cheeks....or is it my imigination?
[you're right, I am fenrir, the god beast. The terror from the battlefield of god. The god of wolf !]
it raised its chin proudly

[and this self chose you to be my master !]

here it is....

"is there a catch?"
life always told that nothing is too good to be true

he admit immediately.
hmm... so what is it?

[I desire a lo- master to teach this self discipline so please don't hesitate to abuse me and whip me, please....] it voice quiver and the furry cheeks are getting redder [A/N : that escalate quickly... and another note, Fenrir almost says loli ]

....and the catch is I have to abuse an extreme lolicon masochist....


3rd person POV

after fenrir states his desire, Alice only have a darkness on her face

'such a wonderful catch~ is that mean I want my soul to be linked with this masochist and be watched by pervert 24/7?' she gnashed her teeth until her teeth hurts

contract means soul link. Soul link means knowing each other's condition.
Is just like having a CCTV camera all over the place.
f@#$ is that mean she will let a pervert watching her going to the toilet while the pervert watch, sitting in his/her? rolling chair, while doing their business?!

[n-no, I respect privacy...]

'!!!' she was indeed suprised

'you can read mind?' she decided to talk with her mind

[yes, because I have <god eyes> skill which can see through everything]

'....if I contract you, will I have that skill?'

[most certainly, most of my skill will be shared to my master and <god eyes > included]

'count me in' she answered immediately
to think she can get most of the god beast skill, it will be totally useful in the future. f@#$ she feels like she was a cheat already [A/N : she finally forgot for the fact she's still gonna soul link with a M]

[then let the contract begin !] it exclaimed happily

and the serrounding froze and the wolf's eyes shine

[ I am Fenrir, the child of god.
The god of wolfs.
The devourer of my creator's enemy.
Chosen one.
Art thou my master?]


[Then thou art my master.
Thou will is my will.
Thou enemy also my enemy
The one who opossed thou.
Shall be devoured.
As the proof of bonds.
Grant me <names>]

Alice pondered for awhile
"then, your name is Yukine"
She can't think any more better names

after she named him, the atmosphere trembles as if want to blow up but then calmed down

and before she realized, there were an almost transparent 4 point star tatoo in the back of her hand

and before she realized, there were an almost transparent 4 point star tatoo in the back of her hand

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A/n : like this ^^

and after the contract....

before Alice can feel moved because experienced a fantasy development the library's door were smashed open

"ALICE !!!!"

it was the yandere father....

next chapter, the yandere's POV

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