Chapter Forty-Nine - Definitely Not The Band

Start from the beginning

"Just tell me where my parents are, you smug-faced pri-"

"I'm sorry, but it seems like I have to go and torment my real rival. Hope you're not afraid of gorillas," he brushed off, waving a hand at me as he sped off to go and presumably

"Like the band?" Eve asked.

"Band?" A gruff voice echoed in my head as I stumbled back in shock. It repeated the word as if it hadn't known what a band was. The voice rang a bell of recognition in my head as I stopped in my tracks.

"Holy shit," I breathed out, my head tilting upwards as the figure from the shadows emerged.

"I really fucking hate gorillas," Eve groaned, as I took a step backwards as the animal stood under a street lamp.

"I am Grodd," he roared, beating his chest as I felt the gust of air exerted from his lungs fanning my face as some loose strands of hair from my ponytail flew backwards with the air until it subsided.

"I'm Emily," I replied, gulping as I didn't bother with the roar. "You can call me Em if it's more convenient."

"Em," he repeated, as I nodded at him. "Strong mind," he gruffly complimented as I tightened my fists as I felt a presence enter my head. I had no idea if I could enter his head while trying to keep him out of my own, and I certainly didn't feel it was the time to try it.

"Where are my parents, Grodd?" Instead of a response, the beast roared out in rage and banged his chest as he began to charge towards me. Widening my eyes in response, I levitated myself to a height that he wouldn't be able to reach as I swirled some energy around my hands.

I was surprised at his speed, as the gorilla latched his hands onto my ankles as he yanked me to the ground, pummelling me into the tarmac as I yelped out in pain as I tried to soften the blows and push him off of me with me telekinesis, but it seemed futile as he was so heavy and strong.

Projecting a beam of energy at him, I managed to get away from his grasp as I stumbled out of the crater that had been made from my impact. I brushed off a few chunks of the road debris from my cape as I watched Grodd roll onto his front and groan in pain.

I was already exhausted, and I was nowhere near finding my parents. There was blood dripping from my head as I dabbed my hand against my temple as my plastic mask had cracked. Rolling my eyes in frustration, I ripped my mask off of my face as I stared at Grodd with fury. I was furious that he had broken my tech. It made me feel exposed, weakened, and I was very angry at that fact.

Clenching my jaw and balling my hands into fists, I quickly levitated myself to a height that I knew Grodd wouldn't be able to reach and let the anger in my system build itself into a compressed store of energy. Staring at Grodd, who had gotten back onto his feet, I aimed my hands at him and released the energy, watching as a bright white beam of light pushed it's way out of my palms at shot straight at the gorilla, followed by a howling scream as I ceased the projection.

Narrowing my eyes, it was much harder to see the target without the infrared vision on my mask, I could see his faint outline running off in retreat. Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I realised that I wasn't going to get any information about my parent's whereabouts this evening, despite Dickhead in Yellow's plan.

Landing back on the ground, I quickly located my mask, which had cracked into pieces and lay shattered on the tarmac. Solemnly collecting all of the pieces, I made my way towards S.T.A.R Labs to break the news to Cisco that I would be needing a new mask.

I promptly made my way down to the Cortex, which consisted of flying through the gap between the stairs rather than the normal elevator.

"Where is everybody?" I muttered, not hearing the usual murmuring chatter of the team as I walked towards the side room with Barry's treadmill to take a peek and see if they were inside.

Turning on one of the computers, I accessed the security cameras and clicked on the most recent activity, showing that they were in the basement where Cisco had set up his anti-speedster forcefield. I saw no sign of Wells, but I did, however, see a guy lying on the floor and not looking so lively.

Racing down the stairs and flying through the corridors, I made it to the congregation of people.

"What the fuck did you guys do?" I shouted, alarmed at the lifeless body on the floor which had morphed back into Hannibal Bates. "You didn't have to shoot him!" I received a lot of surprised looks, though, it probably could've been because I had blood smeared over my face and looked as if I had run through it hedge backwards.

"I told you this before, I am always one step ahead," the haunting voice of Harrison Wells echoed from wall to wall as I clenched my fists.

"You wanna tell me where my parents are before I have to come and rip another hole in your arse?" I shouted towards the speaker in the room.

"All in good time, Emily," Wells tutted as I had interrupted him. I broodingly ignored Barry and Caitlin's shouts as my mind was drifting from my body as I tried to locate Thawne's mind and find his location. "...but trust me, your lives now are so much better because of what I have done for you."

"What about my sister's life? What about Nora? Their lives aren't better because of you!" I screamed, feeling a flare of energy fire up in my palm as I stormed out of the room. I wasn't in a stable condition to be around people. I barely had any control over my powers when my emotions weren't in check.

Stomping out of the labs, I decided to make my way home, considering it was in the middle of the city. Not bothering to go inside, I landed on my rooftop garden, which was still looking considerably bare as I hadn't had the time to go and buy any plants or furniture for it.

Unclipping my cape and sitting myself down on the concrete, I pushed my legs out in front of me to stop them from falling asleep and giving me pins and needles. Keeping my breathing steady, I tried to replay all of the things that Wells had ever said to me to try and figure out where my parents could be.


Surprise surprise an update lol

Christ sake Dickbard, why you playing hide and seek with Emily's parents' smh

See you on the dark side,

Charis xo

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