Chapter Thirteen - Friend or Foe?

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The next morning I woke up to find Brendan in my apartment, a newspaper strapped under his arm as I straightened myself out from crashing on my couch after my late night excursion.

"Would you like to explain why you're on the front page of this paper?" Brendan asked, throwing it on my lap. I opened up the tabloid, reading the headline that stated "Miss Cosmic, Friend or Foe?" across the front of the paper. The picture was of me, last night when I was sat on top of the building, looking a little glum.

"How the hell did they get this picture? It was like, 3 am," I groaned, walking into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "And how the hell do you know where I live?"

"And why were you awake at 3 am, Emily?" Brendan asked, his eyebrow raised as he ignored my question.

"The Flash came to see me to check how I was doing and to deliver my new suit."

"Looks pretty neat, if I must say," Brendan said as I did a quick twirl.


"Anyway, that police radio has been going off, something about a new metahuman," he muttered, glancing towards my spare bedroom, Eve's old bedroom.

"God, why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I shook my head.

"You looked pretty tired, so I thought I'd let you sleep in," he shrugged.

"Don't ever do that again. There could be lives at stake and just because I needed an extra thirty minutes."

"All right, all right, you're not a morning person," he put his hands up in defence.

"Just tell me where it is?" I asked, crunching my teeth into the side of an apple.

"Gold City Bank on Cunningham," he affirmed.

"Gotcha, I've got a new earpiece so it should work better now," I said, running into my makeshift lab and throwing it to him.

"I'm on it, stay safe, kiddo," he replied as I whipped out of the window, tearing off towards the bank. I could hear sirens getting closer as I landed outside of the bank, looking at all of the people as I opened the door.

The people inside were all going insane, fighting each other as paper and items from purses were being thrown everywhere. I closed my eyes, thinking happy thoughts as I directed the thoughts to the people to try and calm them down. I started humming a calm tune, which wasn't any song in particular. When I opened my eyes, everyone seemed to have calmed down as a guy wearing sunglasses simply walked out of the vault with a bag full of cash.

"Everybody, get out!" The people all quickly obeyed while I held the thief in place with my energy. "Now, are you gonna play nice?" I asked, my fake American accent sounding particularly good today.

"Oh no, I never play nice." The man said as he moved his hand towards his face.

"Em, close your eyes, now!" Eve shouted into my head, causing me to squint them shut as I dropped the man by accident.

Using my mind, I could place where the man was, to see that he took off his sunglasses, revealing his red eyes.

"You're smart; that'll keep you feeling a little less angry, for now," the perpetrator muttered, making his way out of a side exit.

"You've got to let him go, Em. If he makes you go wild like those people, you'll never earn the city's trust."

"But if I let him go, I'll be wiped the floor with by the media." I knew that I had to let him leave, so he did through the back exit. There wasn't anything else I could do until I knew what I was facing.

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