Chapter Twenty-Seven - That Ramen Kid

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"I feel a storm brewing," Brendan concluded, his eyes darting up and down as I slammed the door to the staff room shut.

"I feel like I'm going to explode. Literally, all of the energy is building up inside me. I feel like I'm being eaten alive," I admitted, running down the stairs to our lair.

"How long's it been since you've used your powers properly?" Brendan asked, following me down the stairs. I threw him a memory stick with the results of the test from Barry's case. I decided to collect everything that we found at S.T.A.R Labs, just in case I was exiled or we needed a new base of operations for whatever reason.

"Over a week," I estimated, moving over to behind the screen for changing into my costume for training in.

"That doesn't sound good."

"I mean, I've been training in that time, but not using my energy at all."

"Have you been eating enough?"

"That'll never become a problem unless I'm kidnapped or something," I joked, hauling on my long boots. "This outfit is gonna need some adjustments for summer. I'm thinking smaller boots."

"Fashion ain't my thing, kid. If it's clean, I wear it."

"It's not fashion; it's trying not to overheat."

"So how long have you been feeling eaten alive for?"

"Ever since I absorbed an explosion."

"What did that Ramen kid put in that missile?"

"Ramen kid," I snorted, slapping my knee as I uncontrollably started laughing. I had to lean myself against my salmon ladder to stop myself from falling over from laughing. I shook my head as I walked over to Brendan, wiping the tears that had formed from my eyes.

"If only my kids found my jokes as funny."

"You're their dad, of course they won't laugh at you. Speaking of father's, my dad is likely to call again soon. He's made a habit of calling me every week where our conversations are slightly longer each time, but still end with me hanging up on him."

"Why don't you call him for a change?"

"Not in the mood for a lecture, Brend," I muttered, giving him a glare as I stomped out of the screened off area towards the fire exit, nearly ripping the door off its hinges as I put my earpiece in my ear and flew out of the door.

"We're talking about this again later, kid. What happens if you get killed out there one day? What do I say to Jerry Stone if his daughter is given to him in a wooden box?" Brendan's voice crackled through my earpiece.

"Then you tell him who I am. I won't mind so much if I'm dead, which I hope not to be," I replied, flying between a few skyscrapers.

"Just got a bogey come up on the computers. Suspected armed robbery with two suspects, a male and a female in their twenties."

"Sounds like Shawna and her Baez," I snorted, imitating a gangster.

"Don't ever try and sound street again."

"No promises, Coach. Any great tips you want to share with me for today?"

"It's an armed robbery, so I'd prefer for you not to get shot," Brendan advised me as he laughed.

"I'll try my best. I've arrived so I'll talk to you later."

"Just a few bags baby, it's enough to pay back Marcus," I heard Clay say to his girlfriend. The two guards were on their knees on the floor as Clay was holding them at gunpoint.

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