I can't let go

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~Spoilers for HTTYD Hidden World~

The wind was extra strong tonight, gods help anyone who was caught outside. The wooden frame of the Haddock home creaked with every passing gust. On the top floor lay a newly wed couple snuggled under multiple furs that were gifted to them on their wedding night. The male tosses an turns mumbling unintelligibly to himself in his sleep. 

"NO!" Hiccup jolts up from his sleep trying to gasp for hair. He clasps onto his chest, head hanging.

"Wha-What's wrong?!" Astrid asked in a sleepy panic.

"Nothing Astrid. Sorry, I just," Hiccup lets out a sigh, "I can't stop thinking about it."

Astrid sits up, wrapping her arms around he husbands waist and resting her head on his shoulder. "You know it's for the better Hiccup. Just think about how happy he is."

"I am, I'm just worried. We've relied on the dragons to help us so often, I'm scared we no longer know how to defend ourselves." Hiccup shakes his head. Will this be the demise of Berk? Hiccup can't remember a time where he didn't have Toothless there to help him during life or death situations. He is the reason he was even alive today.

"Hiccup, listen to me." Se gently places her fingers under his chin to force him to look into her eyes, "We are vikings, we are strong and courageous. If our ancestors made it without dragons so can we." Hiccup looked away from her. "If it helps, no one will be at an advantage anymore. No one has dragons anymore. It will be simple man power against man power. No more worrying about who has the stronger dragon."

"He completed me in a way, Astrid. I don't know if I'll ever be able to let go of that."

"I know the feeling, don't forget that I also had a strong bond with Stormfly." Astrid sighed, "I miss her too but I know she is happy, living her best life. No longer worrying about protecting not only herself but me when we went into battle. They are at peace now Hiccup, we need to let them live." She kissed his cheek. Hiccup smiled.

"I know they are. It's just, going to be a lot of adjusting." He looked into his wife's eyes.

"I know, but now we have each other," She grabs his hand and interlocks their fingers, "forever." 

Hiccup chuckles, "Yea, forever. And who knows maybe one day we can go and visit." 

"I'd like that." Astrid smiles, "Now can we please get back to bed? You've got plenty of work to do tomorrow."

~Did ya miss me?~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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