Closer Together

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Hiccup lays down on his girlfriends bed. He sighs. "I guess I have nothing to worry about." Footsteps could easily be heard coming up the stairs.

"Hey, sorry bout that." Astrid sat down next to him.

"It's ok," He started to rub her back, "it's just great to finally relax."

"You definitely need to get some sleep. You're jet lag is probably terrible."

"Yeah, I could definitely use some sleep."  He rolls onto his back and stretches his arms above his head.

"Then go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning." Astrid huffed out a laugh.

"Alright alright. Goodnight." Hiccup closed his eyes. "I love you."

Astrid was taken a bit back, "I love you too." That was the first time they said I love you in person. It felt like a shock wave took over her body, and she loved the feeling. How could she have been so judge mental towards him? He was the same guy, who cares if he was missing a limb? It's not a big deal. These thoughts ravaged Astrid's mind that night. She couldn't believe she thought this was a big deal. It isn't!

"Good morning beautiful." Hiccup whispered into the ear of the blonde. She opened her eyes slowly, the sun seemed brighter than normal. "It's time to get up m'lady." He whispered again. Astrid groaned as the light had entered her tired eyes. "Hey, you're breakfast is going to get cold."

"You," she yawns, "you made breakfast?" She slowly sat up.

"Of course, I know it's your house and all but I felt it was necessary." Hiccup smiled.

"That's so sweet of you." She stood up and gave him a tight hug. Not as strong as her normal ones though she didn't want to hurt him his first full day here. They went down stairs and on the dinning room table was laid out the most beautiful buffett. "Oh Hiccup you shouldn't have."

"I know but I wanted to." He walks to the table and pulls out a chair. "Please." He motions for her to sit. She does and is amazed that everything was laid out so neatly. "Milk for the lady?"

"Yes, please. In a chil-"

"Chilled glass, I know. Here you are." He sets the glass on the place mat. "Please dig in."

As they ateAstrid was feeling less and less worried about his leg. It was a silly thing to stress over honestly. She can get use to a life where she lives with a man who truly cares for her and doesn't care about her appearance more than her personality and brains. This will be a good ever after.

~Sorry for being dead.  I have no excuse beside laziness. But I hoped you enjoyed! Please leave a request, prompt, or idea in the comments and maybe I'll write it, anyway see you in the next chapter (maybe influenced by you)!~


Hiccstrid DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now