It's Just a Game

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OTP Prompt: Person A and B arguing over monopoly

"No I swear I had it!" Astrid yelled standing up from the dinner table. On said table was a large board, 2 stacks of cars, a car, and a dog. Monopoly.

"Astrid, I promise you that you didn't have a Water Works card. The rent didn't go up." Hiccup tried to calm his enraged girlfriend.

"I did!" She tugged at her braid, "Your rent should be 10 times as high." Her arm shot out to the place where her Electric company card was.

"Calm down, it's fine. But you still don't have the card. It's probably still in the deck." His voice was calm.

"NO!" Astrid stomped away from the table.

"Astrid!" Hiccup called after her. He sighed accepting that yet again she has gotten way into the game.

~Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating but school comes first. Quick announcement as well! The story line for Pervcup and Nerdstrid's pregnancy and parenthood will be moving to it's own book! I'm excited, but I don't know exactly when I'll post it. Hopefully soon! Lastly remember to comment a request/idea/prompt and I'll get to it when I have time. Hope you enjoyed and see ya in the next chapter (maybe influenced  by  you)!~


Hiccstrid Drabblesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن