A Demon and An Angel

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Once every few years the creators of Heaven and Hell are released onto earth, on rare occasions they met and create a special bond. Sometimes they knew each other in their lives, but sadly you forget almost all about their lives when they pass. They can be brought back with the proper memories. After the day is up they then go back to their designated areas most likely to never see each other again. This is the story of just that unlikely situation, happening to our Demon, Astrid, and our Angel, Hiccup. Our setting is a remote island in the middle of the Pacific. This island is covered in thick woods and small coves. Let's watch this story unfold, shall we.

"Come back here!" Astrid yelled soaring just above the ground after a wild boar. She started to catch up, her big black wings flapping harder, her claws were just out of reach of the boars hind quarters. It was almost in her grasp, before she could grab it a big wall appeared. She crashed into it falling to the ground. She rubbed her face, her wings folding back up. "Hey what's the big idea?" The wall disappeared revealing an angel, his wings were extended to their full length. He closed them walking towards the demon, his green eyes pierced her blue.

"Don't you know killing animals for sport is wrong."

"I wasn't going to kill it." She stood up.

"Torturing it isn't much better." He brushed his bangs out of his eyes.

"Isn't that why I'm a demon?" She said sarcastically.

"I suppose so." He eyed her, checking her up and down. "I'm Hiccup." Hiccup held out his hand.

"Astrid." She shook it. "And may I say your eyes are stunning."

"Thank you. Same to you." He took his hand back.

"You don't seem as up tight as the other goody two shoes." Astrid put her hand on her hip.

"Goody two shoes?" Hiccup gave her a confused look.

"You know, the good guys. The other angels."

"You're not as evil as the demons either."

"How do you know?"

"Most of the others are in the near by town torturing humans not wild animals."

"What does that make you then. You're not in there helping them."

"Like you said, I'm not like the other goody two shoes." He turned around, "Follow me." He started walking away. Astrid looked stunned for a minute but quickly caught up to him.

"Where are we going?" Astrid put her hands behind her head.

"You'll see." He shot up into the sky, his large white wings hitting a few branches on the way up. Astrid followed again. He flew up close to sky level.

"Why are we up here?"

"Just listen." Everything was silent except the flapping of their wings. It was peaceful.


"Have you seriously not been up here?"

"No, I haven't. It's so much quieter."

"I would think so, Hell is full of crazy people."

"You calling me crazy?"

"Crazy beautiful."

"For a demon right."

"No. I mean in general, even when I was alive."

"You too, you do look familiar though." She looked at him focusing on his face.

"You do to." He looked her up and down. "Did you use to live in a tribe?"

"Yea, did you use to not have your leg?" She pointed to his left leg.

"Yea, I lost it when I was 15." They look at each other over again, their eyes went wide.


"Astrid!" They hug each other, breaking into tears. "I missed you so much." He kissed her.

"I missed you too." She smiled widely.

"Your just as beautiful as I remember."

"Wait, Hiccup." Astrid broke their hug. "Why am I not with you in Heaven?" He looked down at his feet thinking it over.

"I...I... maybe it was from you went to war."

"I went to Hell for killing people. Really?"  Her feathers started to molt. Both of them looked at them. Her black feathers drifted to the ground. She held onto Hiccup's shoulders her eyes filled with fear. "Hiccup, what's happening?"

"I don't know." She tightened her grip on his shoulders, she expected pain but she didn't feel anything. "Astrid look." She turned her head a bright light emitted from her back. Slowly it faded revealing bright white wings. They gasped, Astrid kissed Hiccup.

"You know what this means!?" She flapped her new wings.

"You can come with me!" He smiled widely doing flips in the air screaming from joy.

"This is great!" They hugged again. They spent the day together telling tales of what their lands were like. Hiccup sweetening the deal of Heaven making sure she would be even more excited to come up with him. As the sun started to set, they soared back into the sky spending their after lives together.

Didn't expect the ending? Sorry reader if it was less than grand. Remember to vote, comment, and comment if you want a drabble dedicated to you. Until next time.

~Was that whole story teller bit good xD idk but I got inspired by the game Cathrine so that's what that was about. I do hope you enjoyed it though. BTW the comment part is real, if you want something cute written just leave it in the comments and I'll get to it as soon as possible. See ya in the next chapter :3 ~


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