Seth Rollins Was A Nerd??

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3 Years Later.....

Mackenzie's POV:

"Ooohhh, look at Daddy!" I smiled as I had my daughter, Olivia, sat on my lap as Colby made his way to the ring. We were both at home and Colby had gone to work. 

Olivia giggled, pointing at the screen, realizing it was her dad. A lot had happened over the past three years. The last time you saw us, we were in some abandoned house. Turns out, it was the right address and the person who cleared their throat was Jon. He had really scared Colby and I. Two months later, Colby and I finally got married. It was by far the best day of my life. Then, after about six months, we found out I was pregnant. 

That meant I had to give up my title but it was worth it, and soon enough, I'll be back in the ring. Well, not for another few months....or years. About three months ago, Colby and I found out we were having another baby. A boy this time. Olivia seemed really happy to have a little brother on the way. She's only two years old but seems to understand everything.

We both watched on the TV, seeing Colby in the middle of his match. There was a knock on the door so I put Olivia in her high chair and went to answer it, seeing Jon and Joe. They weren't at Raw today. They were given the day off but unfortunately, Colby wasn't. He lost the World Heavyweight Title a few months after we got married. Two years later, he won it again.

"Hey Mackenzie." Jon said, giving me a hug.

"Hey Mackenzie." Joe said, also giving me a hug.

"Hey guys. Come on in." I smiled, letting them in.

"Where's my little melon?" Jon asked. He always called Olivia that.

"She's watching her Daddy wrestle." I smiled.

We all walked in the living room and saw Olivia smiling at the TV, pointing every time Colby was shown.

"Hey little melon!" Jon said, taking her out of her high chair and kissing her cheek before holding her as she laughed. She sure did love her Uncle Jon.

"So, how have you been?" Joe asked me.

"Um....apart from the vomiting, everything is okay." I said, placing my hand on my little baby bump.

"Have you thought of a name for our little nephew yet?" Jon asked, still holding Olivia.

"Not really. Colby and I haven't come to that decision yet." I said. "How have you guys been?"

I hadn't seen the boys for a while. The last time I did, I was at Raw a few months ago. Joe and Kaitlyn were engaged as well as Jon and Paige. I was really happy for all four of them.

"We've been okay. Kait and I are trying to find a date for the wedding." Joe said. 

"Yeah, Paige and I are looking too." Jon said.

We all looked at Olivia who was giggling and clapping. We looked at the TV and saw Colby had won his match.

"She's a clever little one, ain't she?" Jon chuckled.

"Yeah." I smiled.



I was in the kitchen, making dinner when I heard keys in the lock of the front door. The door opened and Colby walked in. I could hear Olivia giggle and saw her crawl over to her daddy.

"Hello my little Angel." Colby smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

He then walked into the kitchen with Olivia in his arms. He then gave me a kiss.

"You okay?" he asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah I'm good."

"There weren't any emergencies or anything, were there?"

"No, I was fine. Joe and Jon visited for a while."

"Okay. I'm just glad you're okay."

We heard Olivia clapping and saw what she was looking at. It was the TV. An old match of Jon's was on.

"She really is a smart child." I chuckled.

"Well, she gets it from me." Colby bragged.

"Oh yeah?" I smirked.

"Oh yeah." he nodded.


"Well......I was.....a little bit of a....a nerd in school." he said, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. 

"Really? The big bad Seth Rollins was a nerd?" I laughed.

"It's not funny and yes I was." he said.

"Okay. 12th president of the United States?"

"Zachary Taylor." he said, surprising me slightly.

"Oh....1893 times 283?" I smirked. I knew he wouldn't get this one.

"535719." he answered straight away.

"Oh my god." I said. "Wait, let me check."

I grabbed my phone and typed the equation in.

"Whoa, you really were a nerd." I said, truly fascinated.

"Yeah well." Colby smiled.

"Aww, you're so cute." I smiled.

"You're cuter." 

"No, you are."

"No, you are."

"No, you are."

Colby stopped when Olivia put her hand on top of his mouth, making me laugh.

"Olivia Lopez!" Colby whined. "I thought you were Daddy's girl?"

"Ha! She's Mummy's girl."

"Whatever. We got a little boy on the way. He'll be Daddy's little boy."

"We'll see." I smirked.

"Come here you." Colby smiled before pulling me into a kiss. 

I really loved how my life had turned out. I never, in a billion years, thought that I would ever becomes Colby's wife. I was just an ordinary fan. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I was so proud to call Seth My Man.


A/N: And that is it. That is the end of My Man. I really hoped you guys enjoyed. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. I will see you guys in my next book.

DoubleK2569 xxx

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