My life flashes before my eyes and I love you

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Mackenzie's POV:

I was walking across the road with my suitcase when I heard Colby scream my name. I turned to see a car head straight towards me. Before the car could hit me, Colby pushed me out of the way but got hit. As I got pushed, my life flashed before my eyes. I remembered everything. Colby is my boyfriend. I was attacked by Summer, Eva and the Authority. Sting saved me. Jon and Joe are basically my brothers. 

I got up to see Colby lifeless on the floor, blood everywhere. Tears ran down my face as I ran over to him. I looked to see the car gone. That son of a bitch driver didn't even stop to see what happened. I knelt down and held his hand and put his head on my lap as I tried to wake him up. 

" Colby, wake up please!!! " I cried. 

Joe and Jon came running over and we all tried to wake him up. 

" Someone call the hospital. " I cried. 

Joe took his phone out and called the hospital. My tears wouldn't stop falling down my face. 

" Colby please. I love you so much. " I cried. 

" What?? " asked Joe and Jon. 

" memory came back when Colby pushed me. " I explained. 

I looked back down at him. This was all my fault. Why was I not paying attention? 

" Colby, I love you so much, I can't believe you risked your life for me. Please wake up. " I sobbed. 

I suddenly felt Colby squeeze my hand as I held his. I kissed his cheek. 


A few minutes later, an ambulance arrived and we all got in and drove to the hospital. When we got there, Colby was taken into a room and Joe, Jon and I were told to wait in the waiting area. I sat down next to Jon. 

" This is all my fault. " I cried. 

" No it's not. " said Jon. 

" Yes it is. I should have looked before I crossed the road. " I said. " I'm such an idiot. " 

" You're not an idiot. You are amazing. Remember that. " he said. 

I looked at Joe who was walking from side to side, trying not to cry. 

" Ro, I'm so sorry. This is all because of me. " I said. 

" No Honeybee, it's not. " he said, sitting down next to me. 

" Colby shouldn't love me. I could have ruined his career. " I sobbed. 

" Sweetie, Colby loves you so much. If he didn't love you, would he have risked his own life to save you? You're his everything. He can't live without you. " said Joe. 

" Yeah, Joe's right. When you lost your memory, Colby was really upset because he had to pretend that you two weren't a couple so you wouldn't stress too much on trying to remember everything. " explained Jon. 

" He was so depressed. He just wouldn't cheer up. He missed you a lot and when you lost your memory, he basically thought his world was over. " said Joe. 

" I love him too. He's had to take in so much because of me. " I said. 

Then the doctor came out with a clipboard. 

" Doctor, how's Colby? " I asked, running towards him with Joe and Jon trailing behind. 

" Mr Lopez is going to be ok. The impact of the car hitting him must have been strong because he broke a few of his ribs. I would suggest that he shouldn't wrestle for about 4 to 6 weeks. " he said. 

" Can we go see him? " asked Jon. 

" Yeah you can see him but only for a few minutes as visiting times are almost up. " he said. 

" Thank you so much doctor. " said Joe. 

I ran through the door and saw Colby lying down on the bed. He had a bandage on his head and around his stomach. He looked up and saw me. I walked over to him and sat down. 

" Hey, how are you feeling? " I asked. 

" I could be better. " he said. 

" I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I should have been looking where I was going. I love you so much for risking your life for- " 

" Wait, what did you say? " he asked. 

" What? " I asked. 

" said me? " he asked. 

" My memory came back babe. I remember everything. You're my boyfriend, my brother-sister relationship with Joe and Jon, everything. " I said. 

I looked at Colby and he had tears in his eyes. 

" Colb, what's wrong? " I asked, holding his hand. 

" I......I've been waiting for so long for you to say ' I love you ' again. I...I couldn't stand the thought of pretending not to know you. I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you. " he said, tears falling down his face. 

I wiped his tears as I smiled. 

" Well, I'm back now and we can finally get back to normal. I can finally compete in the ring. I can beat the crap out of Summer and Eva, win the money in the bank briefcase, but what I wanna know is.....why did Sting come out to help us? " I asked. 

" I wondered that too. I don't think anyone was expecting him to turn up. " said Colby. 

" As much as I really don't want to leave, I gotta go babe. I need to get your stuff ready to get out of this hospital tomorrow and I'm sure Joe and Colby want to see you too. " I said. 

" Do you have to? " he asked. 

" Yeah, but I'll be back bright and early tomorrow to get you. " I said. 

" Ok. " he said. " Can I get a kiss? " 

" You will have to wait till we get back to the hotel, if you know what I mean. " I said, winking. 

" I see. " he said smirking. " Bye, I love you. " 

" I love you too. " I said, kissing his cheek before leaving the room. 

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