Talking Things Out

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Mackenzie's POV:

I was a little upset over what happened between Colby and I. I knew he probably went to see Joe and Jon so I didn't bother to look for him. I just really needed to talk to him later. I was standing outside of the hotel, getting some fresh air. I was looking down at my ring. It was really gorgeous. I still couldn't get over the fact that I was engaged. It was really over whelming.

"Wow, that's a beautiful ring." I heard next to me.

I looked to see a young man, around my age, smiling warmly at me. 

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Are you okay?? You look kinda down."

"You're not trying to flirt with me, are you??"

"No." he chuckled. "It's okay. I'm married." He showed me his wedding ring.

"You wouldn't mind if I ranted to you???"

"Not at all. Go ahead."

"Well, my fiance proposed to me a few weeks ago. I was really happy. I'm still happy. I was just worried. I was scared something bad would happen on the day. We've had so much drama going on which split us up and we couldn't just be a normal couple. I just want our wedding to be perfect. I think he thought that I didn't want to marry him because of he asked me about it. We got in a disagreement and he walked out. I just really need to talk to him."

"I see. Well, getting married is very stressful. Even when you haven't started planning it yet. I should know. When my wife and I were engaged, I was scared that maybe I rushed into things. It hadn't even been a year and I proposed. She said yes but after a while, I was wondering whether she wanted to marry me or not. I was scared I might have come across as too possessive or impulsive. After we got married though, I knew I made the best decision ever by asking her. We both loved each other so we had no problems."

"So, you're saying maybe, he was worried??"

"Maybe. I know I was when I proposed to Heather."

"Your wife??"


"Well, thank you so much...."


"Thanks Matt. I really needed that talk."

"You're welcome. You should probably go and talk to him."

"I probably should. Thank you so much."


I was wondering through the lobby, trying to look for Colby but I couldn't see him. That was until I heard, "Mackenzie??!!"

I turned around and was immediately pulled into a hug. 

"I'm so sorry Babe. I should have listened to you." he said as he pulled away.

"No, I guess it's kinda my fault as well." 

We both sat down on the couch in the lobby, holding hands.

"I was just so confused. I didn't know if I was rushing into things or not. I was just scared that you regretted saying yes."

"Baby, I would never regret it. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much, no matter what. I guess I should apologize too. I was just scared that something horrible would happen on our wedding day. We've had so much drama in our lives. I just want our day to be perfect. I don't want people like Summer ruining it for us."

"I understand where you're coming from. I want our day to be perfect too. I don't care if none of the guests turn up or if there's no cake or presents or anything like that. As long as I see you walking down that aisle in a beautiful white dress, that day will be perfect to me."

I felt tears grow in my eyes as I pulled him into a hug. I was so grateful to have someone as kind and loving as Colby. He was just the perfect man. I was so so so lucky to have him. Out of everyone he could've been with, he picked me. We pulled away and he kissed my forehead.

"Don't think about such negative things. Everything is going to go great." he said as I nodded.

"Aww, you guys made up." I heard. 

I looked up along with Colby and saw Matt with a woman with him.

"Oh, hey Heather." Colby said.

"Wait?? You know her??" I asked.

"Yeah, when I was looking for you, I bumped into her and she explained everything to me."

"Wow, that was a weird coincidence because I just talked to Matt." I said.

"And we don't know your names." Matt smiled.

"Oh, I'm Colby and this is my fiance Mackenzie."

"I'm glad to see you guys fixed everything." Heather said.

"It was all thanks to you guys." I said.

"It was nothing. Just helping people out." Matt said.

"You guys should definitely come to the wedding. We haven't finalized the date yet but we can text you about it."

We all exchanged numbers.

"Thank you so much again."

I was so ready to marry the man of my dreams and nothing was going to stop me.

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