I feel a connection between us

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Mackenzie's POV:

As soon as the meeting was over, Colby jumped form his seat and practically ran out of the office. I turned towards Joe and Jon. 

" Is Colby alright? " I asked. 

" Ummmmm, he probably just felt a little bit suffocated in here. We'll see if he's ok. " said Joe as they both left the room leaving me wondering what's going on. 

Colby's POV:

I couldn't stay in there for another minute. I ran out of the office as soon as the meeting was over. My breathing was really heavy and I tried to hold back my tears as I ran out of the arena. I ran to our rental car and sat in the back. After a few minutes, I saw Joe and Jon rushing towards the car and get in. 

" Colbs, man, are you ok? " asked Jon. 

" No, no I'm not. How am I supposed to do this story line? Everyday, I try to avoid Mackenzie because my heart can't take seeing her. I can't pretend that I'm nobody to her because I love her so much. So mush that it makes my heart ache. And her practically not knowing who I am to her kills me on the inside. " I said, tears pouring down my face.  

" Man, I'm really sorry you feel this way but we can't really do anything about it. If we were aloud to tell her about you, we would have told her a long time ago. " said Joe. 

" Whatever, lets just get back to the hotel. " I said, wiping my eyes. 

2 weeks later.......

Mackenzie's POV:

I still haven't made any progress on my memory. I don't know why it isn't coming back. I was in the arena in the Shield locker room since I am a part of the Shield. For some reason, I feel a strong connection between me and Colby. 

It's kind of weird since he doesn't really talk to me. Joe and Jon always talk to me but when ever Colby sees me, his facial expressions change completely. I just hope that my memory comes back soon so I know what happened in my life between me and Colby. I have to know. 

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