A horrible accident 😨

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One week later......

Mackenzie's POV:

I've been with The Shield for a week and I love spending time with them. Except, Colby. He just doesn't talk to me. I don't know if I've done something wrong or if he doesn't like having me in the group. 

" Hey Jon. " I said. 

" Yeah Mac. " he said. 

" Why doesn't Colby talk to me? " I asked. 

" Ummmm well, he probably- " he said before Joe interrupted. 

" He's just not comfortable around girls. " he said. 

" Oh OK. " I said.   


Colby's POV:

We were all getting ready to leave the hotel. Our rental was parked up front and we all loaded our suitcases and got in the car. Mackenzie was sitting at the back on her phone. Joe, Jon and I were deciding who would sit with her. 

" Colby, sit next to her. " said Joe. 

" What??? I can't. I won't be able to take it. " I argued. 

" Well, Joe is driving and you know I always feel sick when I sit at the back. " said Jon. " You wouldn't want me to end up vomiting all over Mac do you? " 

I couldn't even imagine that. 

" Fine, I'll sit at the back. " I said. 

We all got into our seats and Joe started the car and drove off. 


Mackenzie's POV:

It has been an hour since we have been driving and Colby hasn't said a word to any of us. He's just been staring out of the window. I don't get what's going on. 

" Colby, is everything ok? " I asked. 

He jumped before looking at me. 

" I'm fine. " he said. 

" Are you sure? You've been quiet the entire ride. " I said. 

" I'm fine, don't worry. " he said. 

" OK. " I said. 


30 minutes later......

" Hey guys, have you seen the newest member of One Direction." (fake obviously, just something I made up) I asked. 

" Yeah and? " asked Jon. 

" He's soooo hot. The things I would do to date him. " I said. 

Colby's POV:

" He's sooooo hot. The things I would do to date him. " said Mackenzie. 

I couldn't take it from there. My hands were clenched so tightly, my knuckles were white. I couldn't breathe. I was trying to breathe but there was no air. 

" Stop the car. " I said. 

" What? " asked Joe. 

" I said, stop the car. " I said. 

Joe pulled over and I jumped out of the car and ran towards a little corner shop. I went inside and bought some water and a couple of snacks before coming out. I went to sit on the curb and watched the birds in the sky and the cars drive by. ( I just realised that rhymed. LOL.) Jon came out of the car and sat next to me. 

" You ok? " he asked. 

" No, listen, I can't sit next to her. My heart can't take that kind of pain. I just, I would have lost it if I didn't get out of that car. " I said. 

" Will it make you feel better if I sit in the back? " he asked. 

" But you'll feel sick and I ain't gonna let you vomit all over my girl. " I said. 

" Then I'll drive, you sit in the passenger seat and Joe can sit at the back. " he said. 

" Ok fine. " I said as I got up. 

We all got into seats and we were off again. 


1 hour later...............

We made it to the hotel and parked the rental across the street. We started to take our bags to the hotel. As Mackenzie was crossing the road, a car was coming towards her. 

" Mackenzie!!! " I screamed. 

I ran across the road and pushed her out the way, only to be knocked by the car myself. I fell to the ground, pain overriding my body. The last thing I heard was my name being called as I blacked out. 

My Man | Seth RollinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora