Please wake up......please

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Colby's POV:

Sting came down to the ring to save us from the Authority. I have no idea why. After we beat them up, I saw Summer Rae and Eva Marie run away from the ring and I looked behind to see Mackenzie lifeless in the ring. I ran over to her to wake her up but she wouldn't.

" Mackenzie, wake up. Please, please wake up. " I cried.

The medical staff came down to the ring and I carefully picked her up bridal style and placed her onto the stretcher. I held her hand the entire time they strapped her up and wheeled her backstage.


We ended up taking her to the hospital. I couldn't stop freaking out.

" This is all my fault!!! " I screamed as I kicked a chair.

" Colby, man, calm down. " said Joe.

" How can I calm down when the love of my life is in the hospital unconscious!! " I screamed, attracting a few people's attention.

" Dude, she's gonna be fine. Mac is a fighter. " said Jon, sitting me down.  

Then the doctor came out of her room.

" Doctor,  Doctor how is Mackenzie? Is she gonna be ok? Please tell me she is gonna be ok. " I said.

" Well Miss Smalls took quite a few hits to the head. And it was with a steel chair too. Her skull has a few dents in it which could possibly affect her brain. That is very dangerous. She is still unconscious but if she doesn't wake up in the next 48 hours..... " he said.

" What!!?? No!! Nothing can happen to her. I...I can't lose her. I love her so much. What will I do without her? " I screamed, my heart pounding.

" I'm really sorry Mr Lopez. " said the doctor.  

" Are we allowed to see her yet? " asked Joe.

" Not yet. She is still very critical. " he said. " You can see her tomorrow when she is a little more stable. " he said, walking away.

Then I saw a woman walk towards the us looking very worried.

" Is this Mackenzie's room? " she asked.

I couldn't say anything. I was in shock.

" Yeah who are you? " asked Joe.

" I'm Cathy Smalls. I'm her mother. Who are you? " she asked.

" We are Mackenzie's best friends, Joe and Jon, and this is her boyfriend, Colby. " said Jon pointing at us.

" Nice to meet you boys. " she said.

Then I saw Nikki and Brie Bella running towards us.

" Oh my god, is Mackenzie alright? " asked Brie.

" What did the doctor say? " asked Nikki.

Everyone looked at me. I couldn't say anything. I wanted to burst into tears. I slowly walked away not looking back. I could hear everyone calling my name. I ignored them.

Jon's POV: 

" Colby, come back! " we all said.

I could tell he was really upset to say anything.

" I'll go after him. Make sure he doesn't hurt himself. " said Joe.

" Ok. " I said.

He walked away and everyone looked at me.

" Well hurry up. " said Cathy, tears running down her face.

I explained everything that the doctor told us.

" Oh my god, my baby. " said Cathy, crying her eyes out.

" Can we see her? " asked Nikki and Brie who were also in tears.

" No unfortunately. We can see her tomorrow. " I explained.

I felt like I was about to cry too which is really weird since I never cry. Ever.

I really hope she will be ok. Colby too.

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