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Eunkyung still in her resting days. She wake up in the morning with a soft blue tshirt and the comfy pants and her messy hair.

"Duh , you don't wash up?" Jinho asked her as she get down from the stairs.

"I will, later." Eunkyung said.

"Jinho-ya , Eunkyung-ya let's breakfast together!" Their mom called.

"Coming!" They both said in sync.

After breakfast , their parents get ready to work and Eunkyung wash the dishes. It's always her duty if she's on her off day. If she's working , the maid will do it. After doing the dishes, Eunkyung step into the living room, Jinho is there , munching his chips. Eunkyung take a seat beside her twin.

"Duh I want to watch Harry Potter." Eunkyung said as her hand goes into the chips container.

"Damn telepathy! I want to watch the same!" Jinho said.

Jinho go in front of the tv and turn on the DVD player.

"I swear Harry Potter is so handsome no one can beat him." Eunkyung said as she's so into the movie.

"How about your Shinwon?" Jinho asked.

"Well, that's a different case." Eunkyung said.

"Whatever , just get married already."

"By the way , why you don't go to your cafe?" She tried to change the topic.

"It's Sunday."



"Who is that?" Eunkyung asked.

"I'm sure it's Hongseok." Jinho said as he go to open the door.



"Hello!" Hongseok said as he get into the house.

Eunkyung cover her face with her hand.

"Come here and have a seat." Jinho said.

"I'll go and wash myself." Eunkyung said.

"Hi Eunkyung! You're so cute!" Hongseok said.

"Haha hi.." Eunkyung said as she make her way to upstairs.

"What did you say? She's cute?" Jinho asked.

"She is.." Hongseok said.

Eunkyung go downstairs after wash herself up.

"It'll be rude if I ask this but why are you here?" Eunkyung asked.

"Jinho ask me to have lunch here." Hongseok said.

Eunkyung just nod even it doesn't make sense. It just 9 am!

"So Eunkyung, I know you can cook and you know I can't. So Hongseok will be helping you." Jinho said.

"Huh what?"

"He'll help you. And yeah, Hui will be here too." Jinho said.

Eunkyung feels something strange but yet she snap the thought away. Jinho is surely planning something.

Eunkyung and Hongseok enter the kitchen.

"Hm so , what should we cook?" Hongseok asked.

"Kimchi stew?"

"Sounds great." Hongseok said.

Eunkyung go to the cabinet and take a pot.

"Eunkyung since you're Jinho's twin, it means we have same birthday right?" Hongseok asked.

[C] Accept / Lee HwitaekWhere stories live. Discover now