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"Do you get what I said? He absolutely kill her!" Eunkyung said.

"Yeah yeah I got it and maybe you're right but we..-" Changgu words get cut by Eunkyung.

"Need to cancel this case? Are you insane?!" Eunkyung said and throw the papers on her desk.

"We need to. We don't have power to continue this case." Changgu said.

"If you don't want to , I will." Eunkyung said and get out from the office , heading to the Chief office.

"Chief Yun, I will not cancel this case!" Eunkyung said as she enters.

"Prosecutor Jo, enough. We will close this case." The chief said.

"Just because he is the son of a politician? How absurd that are!" Eunkyung said.

"Okay I understand you mad at this but we need the follow the orders." The chief said , trying to calm Eunkyung down knowing that she quite short-tempered.

"I will investigate this case by my own." Eunkyung said.

"Prosecutor Jo!" The chief calls for her.

She go back to her office.

"Where are you going?" Changgu asked.

"I will investigate this case by my own and I gonna meet him." Eunkyung said.

Changgu blocking her.

"Yah! Okay let's say you're right and he killed the girl. Knowing that he is the criminal yet you gonna meet him? Don't you afraid he will hurt you?" Changgu asked.

"Yes I'm not." Eunkyung said and get out.

"Damn this girl not gonna hear me." Changgu said.

Eunkyung drives to the warehouse located a quite far from her office.

"Yah! Aren't you going to show up?" She shouted.

"Are you trackking my location?" The man said , making Eunkyung turn around.

"Let have a nice talk." Eunkyung said.

"Why we need to?" The man asked.

"Turn yourself up to the prosecutor." Eunkyung said.

"Are you kidding me? They said I'm innocent." The man said and laughed.

"Just because you a son of a politician, it doesn't erase your crime!" Eunkyung said.

"I really don't want to do anything to you but I guess I need to." The man said and take out a knife.

"What are you doing?" Eunkyung asked , feeling like a fool at the moment , obviously he wants to kill you stupid.


At the same time, Changgu was worried as he can't reach his friend. He knows that her friend gonna meet the criminal and dealing with him. Because she will do that whenever she feel she's right.

"Why she isn't answer! What if something happen to her.. Hui!" He said to himself.

He try to dial Hui's number.


"Yes Changgu, why?" He asked.

Changgu explained what happen.

"So do you know where is she?" Hui asked.

"We put GPS on Eunkyung's car because you know what kind of prosecutor she is. She really dangerous. I'll try to track her location." Changgu said.

[C] Accept / Lee HwitaekWhere stories live. Discover now