6; Something New

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The first thing Baekhyun noticed about the boy was his eyes: dark in color yet bright enough to light up a room, wide enough to contain infinite galaxies. They gave off such a warmth that Baekhyun found his anxiousness instantly melting away. The rest of him was just as beautiful. Soft, attractive facial features and a lanky yet muscular build came together to form the curious being before Baekhyun; he found himself mesmerized by the foreign existence.

Minutes passed by like a flash of lightning as the two boys locked gazes. Even so, the air around them was not uncomfortable, it was in fact quite the opposite. Baekhyun found an enigmatic sense of comfort in the depth of the stranger's eyes. Eventually, the boy made the decision to speak, breaking the trance they had both been entangled in.

"Hey," he spoke in a hushed, raspy tone.

His voice was surprisingly deep and husky despite his boyish features. Baekhyun, taken aback, continued to stare at the boy with curious eyes. Only when he let out an awkward chuckle did Baekhyun realize he had yet to respond to the greeting. He quickly removed his gaze from the boy's face and repositioned it toward something else, anything else. His cheeks felt warm.

"I'm sorry about that, I-I didn't mean to...hi."

Once again the boy laughed, only this time it was joyful and his flawless teeth were visible. By now Baekhyun's cheeks were flaming with warmth and flushed with a rosy tint. He wanted to vanish, but not really, for then he would miss the lovely sight before his eyes. A small, gentle smile formed on Baekhyun's lips.

"Don't worry," the boy spoke between laughs, "you have nothing to apologize for."

The two found themselves locking eyes yet again, and for some reason Baekhyun himself did not know, his smile wouldn't fade. The inexplicable attraction he felt toward the strange boy in his garden was terrifying, yet oddly thrilling. Baekhyun couldn't remember the last time he'd experienced such powerful emotions. His head told him to flee, for feelings were too risky and would only result in pain. For the first time, Byun Baekhyun made the decision to ignore everything holding him back. He'd spent his whole life listening to the thoughts in his mind; maybe it was time to give his heart a chance to speak.

"Would you like to come inside?"

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