1; Tears

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In the late winter, Byun Baekhyun made the decision to shut out the world around him. He never left home, he never smiled, but he still cried. He cried every night as his memories replayed themselves in his mind. There was only one time when Baekhyun wouldn't cry, and that was when it rained.

He would pull a chair up next to the window and sit, watching the streams of clear water running down, silent against the cold glass. When it rained, he felt there was no need to cry, because the world was already crying for him. Crying for the once blissful boy, who was still young and could do so much with his life, if only he weren't so afraid.

The days passed, each one the same as the last. Trapped between the walls of his home, there was only so much Baekhyun could do. He narrowed his hobbies down to three things.

Singing, Writing, and Crying.

Singing was a way for him to fill his silent house with sound. Baekhyun was completely alone, no family, no pets, nothing but him. His family members were alive, but Baekhyun didn't want to intrude on their way of life by inserting himself back into the picture. He was an adult, and he decided he could handle himself.

Writing was how Baekhyun emptied his mind. Throughout each day he did plenty of thinking, and he needed a way to get his thoughts out. Even if no one would ever know, or care, about what he thought.

And crying. Crying was the only thing keeping him sane.

Tears were like a shower for his soul. Bit by bit, they washed away the pain. His crying was silent and peaceful. The only things moving were the fresh, hot tears rolling down his face.

Each tear carried a memory that Baekhyun wished he could erase.

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