Chapter 28: Treehouse

Start from the beginning

I raise an eyebrow. "Well, then Vylad is hardly the person... he likes to travel. You know that, don't you?"

"Yeah, I know... but I still don't want you to be lonely!"

"Okay, yeah, I get your point... do you know where Vylad is?" I ask.

"I last saw him going into the forest," Owl replies, "Go get him, tiger!"

I roll my eyes playfully, walking out.

I go into the forest in search of Vylad. "Hello?! V?! Can you hear me?!"

"Yep! Over here, N/n!" A familiar voice shouts. I follow the voice to find Vylad up in a tree.

Of course...

I smile, running over to him. "Hey-o!" He greets, jumping down. (Am I the only one who finds it so cute when he says this?!?!)

"Hey, Vylad. What are you doing in the forest? Are you really that in love with trees?" I ask, giggling a bit.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not in love with trees. It's just I grew up loving to climb stuff and being secretive. I also like my alone time, and, since I'm a Shadow Knight and can sense others, that'll help me avoid people when I want to be alone."

I look up into his emerald green eyes. "Did you spend a lot of time alone when I wasn't around?"

Vylad sighs, and nods. "Yeah... nobody knew I was alive, so that's a key reason... and, in the nether, I was always alone in a prison cell. Not to mention the fact that after I was stabbed in the back by that Shadow Knight it took me a long time to learn to trust anyone."

"Well, that's changed! You don't need to spend so much time alone anymore, you have me!" I exclaim, "Anyways, you didn't answer my question. Why are you here and not in the village with the others?"

"C'mon, I'll show you." With that, Vylad grabs my hand and leads me to the forest. Soon, we come across a wooden house built on the base of trees: a tree house.

It looks brand new, built with sturdy oak wood all the way around and a wooden ladder to get up to it.

"Wow, Vylad, you built this all by yourself?" I marvel.

He nods. "Yeah... does it... remind you of something?"

I examine the house once more, and suddenly, memories flood into my brain that weren't there before...

"Y/n! C'mon! We gotta go!" A 14-year-old Vylad exclaims, dragging me along with his brothers.

I nodded, picking up my pace. We had all just escaped the castle by climbing out Vylad's bedroom. It wouldn't have been long before the guards found out - or we had been recognized. I mean, it was normal for someone like me to be running around - but not for the Princes of O'khasis. That's why we were running so fast. We had to find a safe place to hang out where they wouldn't be called royalty - and I knew just the place.

There was an old house near the walls that was said to be haunted by ghosts, but I'd been there more than once, and nothing had ever come out at me. So, it was either ghosts were afraid of me, or the place wasn't actually haunted.

The house was atop a hill that was slightly steep and didn't have steps leading to it, so there was a ladder to get up to it, somewhat like a tree house, except it wasn't on a tree. By the time I had turned 17, stairs were built to make the house look a little less scary, but when Vylad and I were younger it was more of a challenge to get up to it.

Besides the wooden ladder, the house was built with sturdy oak wood all the way around, and only looked a little old. When the boys and I had entered, I smiled, plopping onto a dusty old couch.

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