"Portami tutti gli ingredienti. Ho intenzione di fare in modo che, a quanto pare." She uttered flatly.

Bring me all the ingredients. Looks like I'm going to have to make it.

Amy relaxed, blowing out a breath. "Grazie, mama."

My mother shook her head and helped me with the pastries whilst waiting for Amy to gather the ingredients. I could tell she wasn't happy with having to make the sauce herself, judging by the way she hurriedly stuffed the pastries and aimlessly placed them on the tray.

"Sorry, mama... I'll watch you make it this time and promise the next time I make it, it'll come out right." Amy compromised.

My mother watched her for a few seconds, before muttering; "You better."

The air felt somewhat less tense than before. Amy cracked small jokes with my mother, earning a smile or a laugh. I watched and listened in relief, thankful my mother hadn't tuned into her bad side, giving everyone a cold shoulder if one person ticked her off.

"I'm done." I announced with relief, closing the oven door as I stood up.

"Good job, bambina." My mother smiled, stirring the pot. 

"Grazie, mama." I thanked her.

"No problem." She waved off, glancing at me before a sudden glint crossed her eyes. "Oh, I nearly forgot."

"Forgot what, Mama?" I asked, confused.

"Si potrà essere frequentando lo studio della Bibbia, a partire da questa settimana con Amy."

You'll be attending Bible study, starting from this week with Amy.

My jaw dropped and I stared at her with surprised eyes. She had to be kidding me. Though I wasn't necessarily surprised to hear this from her. I knew, eventually, one day, she'd end up saying tomorrow I would go to Bible study. But I never dreamed of it to be so soon. I just wished it wasn't.


"Did you not hear me?" She sternly questioned. "You'll be attending Bible study with your sister, starting from this week."

I stared at my mother for a few seconds, making sure I heard her correctly. She went on, unaffected by my stare set on her, continuing to stir the pot before her. My eyes absently flickered over to my sister, not really expecting much, maybe a smirk of satisfaction to show she was pleased I would be going through 'torture'. However, her I was met with a face full of frustration and a deep frown.

Confusion stroked up inside of me.

"But mama, why do I have to go?" I hesitantly asked, switching my attention back on my mother. She glared at me in a warning manner, giving me the look that told me this was not up for an argument. 

But then surprising me, Amy joined in, taking my side. "Yeah, mama.... Why does sorella have to go? I go, isn't that enough?"

I kept silent, not really understanding why my sister was taking my side. Just the other day she sounded like she wanted me to go Bible study, so I would feel the pain she felt. But the next day, when my mother's actually sending me, she jumps in to defend me.

"I really don't see how any this of this is your concern, Amy." My mother snapped, confusion present in her tone. "Anna will attend Bible study with you and that's that. I don't see why you're complaining. Last time I remember you were whining about how Anna didn't have to go."

"But that was two years ago," Amy pressed, pursing her lips. "I'm not complaining any more."

Shaking her head, my mother made an annoyed sound and turned off the stove. "I'm not even going to bother with this. You're not making any sense. You and your sister will attend Bible study on Sunday. End of discussion."

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