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(Anna's Pov)

I had always wondered why my mother would send me upstairs when the clock hit eight o'clock during the night on weekdays. I, along with Amy (sometimes Andrea) would be told to go to our rooms and 'sleep'. However, that was rarely the case, as we'd end up doing our own thing for another hour or so, before we decided it was really time for sleep.

Years later, at the age of fifteen, I still was unaware as to why this was the case. But that was until one night I finally caved in asked Amy what they were doing. She had arched a surprised brow at me, letting out a laugh before simply telling me; "Papa and Herman are discussing business... They're drinking, Anna."

My brows had furrowed in surprise, and I let my mind comprehend the information I had been told. Now, at the age of nineteen, I had learnt they did more than discuss business and drink glasses filled with rich alcohol. It would be the time they'd sometimes invite guests over to dine with them, their time to watch television and in fear that we would possibly bother them, my mother would send us up to our rooms.

Amy exhaling a loud breath caught my attention. "I'm bored."

I sunk back further into my bed, glancing away from the book I had been blankly staring at for the past few seconds and over at my sister. She was dressed in her silk night dress, much like mine, as she picked at her violet painted nails. 

"You could always try reading a book?" I suggested, holding out the book I was currently reading; 'Lord Of The Flies'.

"Even more boring. I've had enough of reading the Bible. That's enough reading for me." She murmured sharply. Amy was forced by my mother to join the local Church's weekly Bible study that was held every weekend. It was held at a elder woman; Mrs Snow's house and Amy, along with many other girls in this town were forced by their parents to go there. I just knew sooner or later my mother would start forcing me to go, too.

"You shouldn't speak like that. Mama or Papa wouldn't appreciate it." I told her, sitting up from where I was laying. She rolled her eyes at my words.

"Oh be quiet. You're just saying that because you haven't even be there." Amy hissed. "I bet if you were to attend every week, you'd be bored out of your mind and would feel the same exact way I do - fed up."

"Would not." I defended, pursing my lips. 

Amy snorted. "Sure."

I sighed, biting down on my bottom lip. "Well, if it's that boring, why don't you tell her that and maybe she'll listen and will stop forcing you to go?"

Though, it seemed like a long shot that would end up being the case.

My sister seemed to find my suggestion hilarious since she burst out into a fit of laughter. I blankly watched her, frowning and not realizing where the real humor was. I mean, I get that our mother was extremely strict, but I knew deep down she still had a soft place for us - it wouldn't hurt for her to take a chance and ask.

She would never know unless she asked...

"Good one, Anna." She uttered once her laughter ceased, but the smile on her lips continued to play. 

I frowned deeper. "I wasn't joking, Amy... You never know, mama might just give in and let you off. Besides, I'm sure you could convince her with a little exaggeration on your part."

Amy hummed in response, taking in my words as she continued to pick at her nails.

"Maybe," She murmured. "But I'd rather not take that risk and get Mama angry. She'd just make my life more difficult than it already is."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself and continue being bored, with no-one else to blame apart from yourself."

My sister laughed. "Oh, Anna, you really think I'd put myself through two hours of painful torture, hearing the same stories, same warnings slyly told through Mrs Snow's lectures and not find a way to prevent that torture from happening?"

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