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(Anna's Pov)

My heart pounded in anticipation. I was nervous and slightly afraid. Two feelings that didn't sit well inside of me, stirring an odd feeling to arise in my stomach. Two negative emotions I wanted rid of.

I cautiously approached the stable site, my eyes set on the path I walked on. It was a Thursday, and as expected, I was making my way to the stables. I was extremely nervous, knowing that when I reached there, I would have to face him... Roman, as he said his name was. The male who constantly went against the town's teachings and rules, and crossed lines.

Jeez, putting it like that made him sound like a terrible man. A sinner, of some sort. But he wasn't that bad... Just completely disregarded the town's rules and done his own thing, trying to lure me into doing the same as him.

But I wouldn't dare do that. 

Abruptly the wind howled, picking up and causing my ponytail to smack me in the face. I groaned quietly, flicking it away and narrowing my eyes when spotting the stable. The spark of nerves bustled up again inside of me.

My feet slowly led me over the stable doors, swallowing heavily before pushing the door open. I stepped inside, the hay scattered against the floor crunched beneath the heel of my flat shoes. I instantly tensed when I felt his eyes land on me, busying myself by tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear.

I kept silent as I closed the door behind me and tugged on the sleeves of my cardigan, slowly moving forward. The horses neighed, the sound passing through one ear to another. I could feel his eyes follow me, just tempting me to look back.

"Anna," The voice belonging to my brother called, causing confusion to strike up inside of me. Furrowing my brows, I hesitantly glanced up, catching the sight of Herman running his hand against the top of Mary's head. 

What was he doing here?

I inwardly wondered.

"Si?" I quietly questioned, making sure to keep my eyes on him and not go wondering off in search for Roman. I knew he was in here, I could just feel those pulling hazel eyes on me.

"Papa said to clean the stables," He gestured to hay filled ground that I had brushed just days ago. Somehow it had managed to get dirty and filled with more hay.

I pursed my lips, nodding in reply. Inwardly, I was wondering why he was here and why out of nowhere he was beginning to instruct me on what to do. I had been working at the stable for years now - not once had he stopped by to tell me what to do.

"Good." He mumbled, clearing his throat before lifting his eyes away from me and to my left. "Roman, we'll continue this conversation another time. I have to leave now. Until then."

"Of course," The raspy voice rung in my ears, making me bite down on my bottom lip, hard. "I look forward to finishing it. See you."

With a curt nod sent his way, Herman made his way to the door, sliding his hands into his work trousers as he walked out the door. The second we were alone, I could feel the tension jump up into the air and settle.

I swallowed.

I didn't move for a few seconds, standing immobile on spot whilst trying to calm my sudden racy pulse. But then I realized how much of a fool I might have looked like by standing in the middle of the stable like that, so snapped out of it and hurriedly busied myself with hanging up my shawl on the hook.

I straightened out my cardigan and fixed my long skirt, something I had pulled out of my summer wardrobe. I refrained from glancing up as I walked over to grab a hold of the broom, sighing when I noticed just how much hay there was in need of cleaning up.

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