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(Anna's Pov)

God damn I hated this button. It just had to fall off my favourite cardigan, on the same exact day I pulled it out of my wardrobe. And that after having to dig for it, which was greatly difficult.

I had asked my mother, in my most sweetest tone, if she could possibly sow it back on for me. But she had scowled at me, telling me to go do it myself. She supposedly had better things to do. Which in reality was to watch her beloved soap opera, as always on Saturdays.

Groaning to myself, I took a small break, hoping I could possibly calm down and eventually get the thread through the needle. This wasn't fair. Why couldn't my mother just give in and sow it on for me? With her skilled hands, she would have been finished in just two minutes.

"Vedo che stai ancora lottando," My mother's voice entered my ears.

I see you're still struggling.

I glanced up, seeing her search through a cupboard, eventually pulling out what she was looking for. A box of chocolates.

"Well, I wouldn't be if you just sowed it on for me." I muttered back, toning my voice down slightly. God knows what would trigger my mom to get angry at me.

"Venire di nuovo?" She sharply scowled.

Come again?

I sighed, knowing better than to actually repeat myself. "Nothing."

She hummed, lingering on the spot she stood as she opened the box of chocolates. "Your father said to go to the stable and collect the milk that the cow has produced."

My brows furrowed. "Che cosa? Perché me?"

What? Why me?

She narrowed her blue eyes on me. "What kind of question is that? Why else would he send you? Andrea's too young, Herman is out on business and don't even bring up that sister of yours..."

I winced at the change in her tone. It had fallen cold in a matter of seconds. Things between Amy and my parents hadn't changed much at all.

"Besides, you do look after it." She added, welcoming a chocolate into her mouth.

Sighing in frustration, I put down my needle. "Fine. Do I have to go now? Or can I finish with sowing this on first?"

My mother's eyes darted to the cardigan in my hands, along with the needle. She rolled her eyes and motioned for me to bring it to her.

"Ci occuperemo di esso. Basta andare e fare come ha detto tuo padre." She instructed.

I'll take care of it. You just go and do as your dad has told.

Letting out a breath of relief, I stood up from where I was seated and made my way over to my mother. I sent her a small smile, which she rolled her eyes at and told me to go ahead and not waste anymore time.

Doing as she told, I made my upstairs, only then it sinking in. I would be going to the stable, where Roman was most likely working. I would get to see him again. With that knowledge, I felt my heart jump. That in both a strange excitement and nerves. 

Twisting the door open, I found my sister giggling as she held her phone in her hands. My brows instantly drew together.

"What are you doing up here?" Amy asked, when noting my presence. The smile on her lips slowly thinned away.

"Mama's sending me to the stable to collect milk," I slowly mumbled, picking my shawl off from the hook it was hanging from.

"Milk?" She asked, confused. "We have a cow? Since when?"

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