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(Anna's Pov)

I stepped outside the bathroom, closing the door behind me. My heart was still racing behind my chest, as my body felt as if it was in a daze... a trance of some sort. And my mind, well, that was a whole other story. It was like my thoughts were on a mission of swirling into the deepest whirlpool. 

And it was winning.

My underwear was still... wet, with what had come out of me. It was caused by Roman's finger rubbing me down there, and when he slid a finger inside of me - I found myself loosing it. I still couldn't believe it. Believe that I had hit my first orgasm and that by Roman. 

Not only that, but I had felt him reach a climax of his own. His member had been hard and when he began thrusting it against my leg, groans falling from his own lips, I knew he was hitting his own climax.

I was still letting reality sink into my mind.

"Everything okay?" I heard Roman ask, pulling me out of my thoughts. As if a reflex, I blushed and nodded my head.

"I'm fine." I cleared my throat. "B-But I need to go now."

Nodding, Roman motioned for me to head downstairs. I did as he closely followed behind me, both of us pausing when we reached his front-door. I shyly glanced up at him, placing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Thank you for today... I had fun and don't regret skipping Bible study at all." I whispered honestly. 

A soft smile etched onto his lips and his hand came forward, grasping onto my chin. "There's no need to thank me, sweetheart. I'm glad you had fun, because I did too..."

I smiled at that, letting out a small sigh of relief. Truthfully, I didn't really want to go back home. I would rather spend more time here, with Roman, than return home, knowing I'd be told to do a chore of some sort and be limited to what I could do or not. However, here with Roman, I knew I could do just about anything. 

I was... free here.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He questioned, stepping closer, our chests meeting.

I nodded, smiling up at him. "Tomorrow."

Our lips then connected, his hand snaking down to my waist and tugging me forward. I reached my own hand out, placing it on his chest  to steady myself and not loose balance. There was this unexplainable feeling which drugged my system the very second his lips covered mine. It made my knees feel weak and my stomach feel funny - but all in a good way.

His tongue slide into my mouth, a warmth growing in the pit of my stomach from the way it sensually moved with mine. He pulled back shortly, chastely pecking my lips once more as he done so. He smiled down at me and I couldn't help but return it.

"Bye, Roman." I quietly uttered, hand on the door knob. 

"See you, sweetheart." 

With his words echoing in my ears, I twisted the  door open and hesitantly stepped outside. Luckily, there was nobody in sight, giving me the perfect opportunity to rush out of his front-garden and onto the pavement. I heard Roman's door close gently the second I was back in-front my house.

I exhaled sharply, slowly walking towards the front-door. My hand was shaky as I reached forward and knocked on the door. I usually had to wait a few seconds, but to my surprise, the door opened straight away.

My mother's scowling face greeted me. "Dove sei stato? Sei in ritardo di dieci minuti."

Where have you been? You're ten minutes late.

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