Chapter 4- Unexpected

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H-he picked me. I can't believe that I am now the one to be put to the test on the woods with the beast especially that wolf I met earlier. I think I can't do it. I am a little fat and I don't think I can run towards my safety.

"Where are you Jesse McArther", he said and I stood up so I can reveal myself to him. He looked toward me and his eyes changed into yellow again but it changes as quickly into brown. His eyes are weird.

All the people around me gave look at me with concern written on their eyes. I cannot blame them because last year event's traumatized everyone.

"I-I'm here my king", I said stuttering because of how afraid I am for The Hunt and the consequences it will be done unto me. And this is one of my nightmares, to be picked on this kind of situation.

"Good. Now come on, let us start the whole event", he said but something is off about his voice. His voice become huskier which made heat travelled throughout my whole body.

I shake off that feeling and I move toward his large black horse. I suddenly feel heat behind me and I know that the king is the one who is behind me. Suddenly large and callous hands wrapped around my waist and lifted me up on his horse.

I squeak at what he done very so suddenly. His hands are warm and I felt safe around it which is weird but when he removed it from my body I felt suddenly cold.  Well this isn't right. I should not have these kinds of feelings.

Well what can I say, I am very weird tonight because it looked like that I like the king which is completely ridiculous because I know he liked women and he needed an heir which I can't give him. I really should stop thinking these kind of things.

Suddenly I feel someone's presence is behind me and I know it is the king because of the warm that is radiating me and the feeling of his broad and hard chest. Suddenly hairy forearms are around me and I gulp because of the safety I feel on them.

"Don't worry little one. This will be done quickly and don't worry you will be safe", he said and I gulp loudly because he said it close to my ear. Feeling his hot breath which made my cheeks heat up.

"I-I-", I said but I am cut off by the king.

"Now hush meine liebe, we will now take off", he said and I heat up again. What does he mean "liebe"? But I just shrug the feeling off not wanting it to destroy mu focus tonight.

And with that we took off leaving his advisors and knights behind to guard the people in the town square and also, at least to enjoy the whole thing before they will go back to their work..

Minutes had passed running towards the woods while I am still in a little uncomfortable in my position tonight so I just put my head down not wanting to the king to see what I am now in my position and thank the lord god because the horse had stop running. I look up and we are now at the edge of the woods.

"We are now here. I will drop you off and I will tell my knights to come and get you if you survive after sunrise. Good luck little one", he said and he drop me from his horse. Once he done that, he run away with the horse leaving me alone in the woods. Scary woods.

I look into the woods and I gulp again. I am very scared again but I should follow the king's order and his order is absolute and I can't defy him. With no choice, I walk towards the wood and hoping for my survival. A big hope for me.

~Time skip~

I have been walking for hours, wandering around the whole woods . And the sun doesn't shine for a another hour which is a very long time.

But the good thing is that I am here still surviving with only some surprises which turns out to be small critters in the wood like a bunny but luck is not on my side again because I can hear bushes rustling behind me. May god help me on this thing.

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