Chapter 2- Eager One

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This is bad. This is bad. This is really bad.

I said chanting to my head with these words. This is really bad. If they say one wrong word, all hell will break loose. There will be a fight scene.

And I can't have that. I want to watch the festive in peace only with a smile on my face. Why would in hell she met us? Especially around Jenny?

She hates her because she is the cause of her breakup just last year. The two of them are on their relationship just fine. They enjoy themselves around each other and they always look at each other with contentment and happiness in their eyes. They fight each other sometimes but they get back together very fast and easily.

This have been going on for years with little bumps on their road but the last bump is the last event they will be going as couple. The story is this, Jenny came back from the travel from her family's ancestral town. And she came back that broke their relationship.

He tried to reason with her but she just rejected it and I cannot blame her. Because I know that she had been cheated. She thought everything will be alright between the two of them. She had been just cheated and that is not good

Fate really loves us. Not. I just wish that she would leave as soon as possible before there is anything will be happen between the two of them because it won't be pretty if that such thing will happen..

"Hello commoners", she said smirking and I just glare at her. How dare she would call us that?!

"Look who's talking. I believe you are just like one of us so stop saying that", Jenny said with every malice in her words but she only chuckled at her tone.

"Oh right but in the future maybe not. Because I am going to be the future Queen of his Kingdom", she said with pride and smug.

Me and Jenny look at each other with confusion and a look of are-you-kidding-me. We burst out laughing and we get teary-eyed because of that.

"Hahaha Are you kidding me?", I said and Angela narrowed her eyes at me but she quickly composed herself.

"I am not kidding chubby. There is a rumor that the King is having a ball after the Giving. And I am so ready for that ball but the Giving dampen it a little but not much.

But I know that I will not be pick this year. I hope. Anyways, I know that I will be the Queen because I am beautiful. Perfect for a handsome and strong king", she said with head high.

"Hey... I am just a little over the average that's all", I said while I look down the street with my eyes starting to water. Jenny hugs me and began rubbing my back with soothing circles

"Hush now Jesse-baby don't listen to the words she is saying. She is only jealous that you are normal unlike her. And how can you do what you are stating if doing that will remotely be useless because there are many obstacles you will jump?", Jenny said narrowing her eyes at her. She just smirks evilly at her question.

"Well that's easy, I am going to seduce the king if I can't then his advisors will especially his right-hand get me close to him because no doubt they will accept me", she said and we just roll our eyes and narrowing our gazes at her.

"That's impossible. You can't do that. Although his advisors can suggest but his right-hand is the one that really make a chance in tipping the scale towards a certain decision, he is his trusted man. And you have problem because you should be worried about him, he is strict. Remember the last time some people try to get close to him for the reason for making them a lover for the king?", Jenny said and it is her turn to roll her eyes.

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