chapter twentyone: so be it

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'I will search for you, my darling,
long and far,
I will look for you, my darling,
amongst all the stars.'


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"Maggie! Maggie! Open your eyes," a voice said.

"Hey, listen to me and open your eyes. It's not real. It's not real," the voice said again, but Mags has her hands covering her ears, which muffled any sound.

"Maggie, look it's me, it's your mother. I'm right here," the voice said, grabbing hold of Maggie's arms.

Mags slowly uncovered her hands from her ears and glared up at her mom. She felt blood on her hands and inside her ears.

"Wh-What happened?" Maggie spoke.

"You had some sort of...episode. Now my advice for you is take those pills that doctor gave you and go rest. You've had a tough couple of weeks, and I guess you are just under a lot of stress," Kate said.

"That's an understatement," Maggie whispered under her breath, quiet enough for Kate not to hear it.

Her mother helped Mags up to her feet, then led her into the kitchen. Kate proceeded to pop open the bottle of pills and poured a small glass of tap water.

"Here you go," Kate said, handing the medicine to Maggie.

Maggie put the pills in her mouth, then gulped down the water to swallow them.

"Now, wash your hands and get some rest," Kate ordered and Mags nodded.

Maggie headed upstairs to her room, then into her connected bathroom. She locked the door behind her, then slid down it, sitting with her back pressed against the door. She began to sob.

She had found out that It took her dad and Betty, and now it got Stanley. She only really cared about Stanley. All her life she felt as if she was left out, and unimportant, but Stan made her feel special. All Mags feels now is regret. Regret about not doing something about this clown. Regret about not telling Stan the truth and how she felt about him. Regret about not staying with him until sun rose the next morning.

Maggie got up, and went to her sink. She turned on the faucet and began to rid her hands of the blood. As she looked up into the mirror, she saw the clown grinning behind her with its razor sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth. Maggie shrieked and turned around, but the clown was nowhere to be seen.

"C'mon Mags, you're just seeing things," She said to herself.

She turned off the faucet, dried her hands, then proceeded into her room. She began hastily pulling books off her bookshelves, papers from underneath her mattress, and grabbed her reading glasses from her desk.

Maggie rummaged through history books and newspapers that were scattered amongst her room. She spent a good hour reading and researching as much as she could.

"Got it!" She exclaimed, as an idea popped into her head.

Maggie scurried to the phone out in the upstairs loft. She dialed a number and nervously tapped her foot as it rung.

"He-Hello?" a voice said.

"Bill? It's Maggie. I know how to get Stan back. Meet me and the rest of the gang at the barrens by that really big rock at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. Got it?" Maggie said in a rushed voice.

"G-G-G-Got it," Bill replied and hung up the phone.

Maggie had a rush of adrenaline kick through her body. She was going to get Stan back. If it meant killing this motherfucking, demonic-ass clown, then so be it.


A/N- Thank you so much for 3k reads! I hope you all get puppies for christmas (or if you don't celebrate it, that's totally fine. I do not mean to offend in anyway.)

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