chapter twelve: sent from the depths of hell

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'Perhaps we only leave,
So we may once again arrive,
To get a bird's eye view
Of what it means to be alive.'


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Maggie woke up to a sleeping boy laying in a chair inside a hospital room and IVs stuck in her veins. Her left arm and right rib ached as she tried to push herself upwards, causing her to let out a big groan.

The boy's eyes fluttered open and realized Maggie was awake.

"Mags? Mags! You're awake. I'm so glad you're awake. I've missed you," he spoke, as he walked up to her side.

"St-Stanley? What are you doing here? What am I doing here? What happened? Why am-" Mags spoke, but got cut off.

"Shh, Shh. You need to rest. Your body needs time to heal," Stanley said.

Mags looked down at her bandaged arm and touched the side of her rib. She winced since now she could actually feel the pain.

Just then, five boys, about her age, ran into the room.

"Oh g-good, you're awake."

"What do we do now?"

"I hope you're feeling better."

"How you feeling, babe?"

"Did your wounds get infected? Infections are the worst."

"Guys, guys. Stop flooding her with questions." Stanley spoke out.

Maggie was confused at first but realized that she knew those familiar faces. Bill, Mike, Ben, Richie, Eddie. She knew that because they were all of Stanley's friends, who would often come over to his house and hangout in his bedroom, which she could see from hers.

"Look," Stan took Maggie's delicate hand and squeezed it tight, "I know you're going through a lot of things right now and that when you're in a lot of pain, you tend to push people away, but I want you to know we're here for you, I'm here for you."

Mags looked deep into his soft brown eyes and nodded.

"Whatever attacked you, whatever did this to you, we are going to find it and we are going to kill it," he spoke again.

"What exactly happened to you?" Bill spoke out.

Stanley began to open his mouth, but closed it when Mags put her hand on his arm, indicating that she should answer it.

"I remember being frustrated with something, then I stomped up the steps and went into my room. There were bloody words on my wall, then I heard a bone-chilling laugh come from the corner of my dark room. All of a sudden this thing, this creature, the same one I saw before, jumped out in front of me and bit me." Mags said.

All of the boys' eyes widened.

"You said you saw it before?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, I was out in the streets and I got distracted by this red balloon tied to my mailbox, then it jumped out and..." Maggie's voice trailed off as she relieved that terrifying moment. "It tried to strangle me."

"Well, what did it look like?" Mike asked.

"The creature was tall and it had fiery red hair and dull paint on it's face as if it was made out to look like a clown. Although this one had rows and rows of sharp teeth and could twist its body in inhuman ways," Maggie stated.

"So basically we have to kill a..." Eddie trailed off.

"Clown," Mike paused, "but sent from the depths of hell."

"God, I fucking hate clowns." Richie huffed.


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