chapter seventeen: we all float

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'I can't drown
these demons within,
for over these years,
they have learned to swim.'


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The sun shone bright and not a single cloud was found in the big blue sky. To most people, today would seem like a fairly nice and happy day, but Maggie isn't like most people.

The car ride home was silent and quite awkward. Maggie slouched in the pale yellow car and stared off into the distance. The silence began to bother her, so she kicked up her feet and turned on the radio to find Should I Stay or Should I Go playing. Mags closed her eyes and bobbed her head to the music. For a while she felt at peace, and it was nice and it was free.

When they arrived at the empty home, Kate hurried out of the car to help Maggie get out. She was still very sore and in a lot of pain, so she didn't fight against her mother.

As they walked into the house, it was a total mess. The furniture was crooked, the cabinets were all open, and money was sprinkled all over the floor.

Maggie headed towards the stairs, and Kate ran to her side to assist, but Maggie refused.

"I got it, I got it. I'm fine," Mags huffed, as she walked steadily up the stairs, her bandaged arm grasping the railing tight.

She walked into her bedroom and noticed that the words written in blood on the wall had all disappeared, as if no demonic, child-eating clown had wrote them there in the first place. Perfect.

Mags barely had any energy to do anything else, so she laid down on top of her bed to take a nap and dozed off.

Moments later she jolted awake, then groaned at her aching rib. Everything seemed normal, except that it suddenly seemed darker. Mags got off her bed and took a look through her opened window and saw that it was actually night.

Could she have been asleep for that long?

Mags heard a loud noise coming from the main floor, so she slowly walked down the stairs, each step creaking as she did so. She found herself in the living room, staring straight at the television.

Its screen was filled with static and a 'channel 011' in the bottom right corner. The awful white noise that accompanied it sounded like it was coming from every corner of the otherwise silent house. Mags absolutely hated that sound.

She looked around for an off switch on the sides of the screen, but couldn't find any. She then looked behind the television and found a plug buried into the wall. Mags pulled it out, but the noise didn't stop. Confused and quite scared, she walked back to the front of the tv, only to be met with a new screen.

The static was gone and had been replaced with some sort of children's show. There was a lady sitting in the middle mumbling something towards the children sitting around her that Maggie couldn't make out. Just then, the lady's head jerked towards her and she began speaking.

"We all float, and you will too, Margaret. Make it a wonderful day. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her."

The lady had begun to turn into that goddamn clown again. It's voice became more demonic as it chanted, "You'll float too! You'll float too! You'll float too!"

Mags covered her heads and closed her eyes. She fell to her knees and screamed.

This is not happening. Not again. This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real.

Moments later, she jolted awake.


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