chapter three: strangers with some memories

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'Our greatest fear is to forget,
Yet it's the only certain fate
That anything has ever met.'


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Maggie's whiskey hair flowed in the light air as she pedaled down the road. She now had a bright smile on her face, ready to face summer and all it had to offer.

Slowly that smile crept off her face. Maggie started to get an uneasy feeling, as if she was being watched. She didn't want to turn around to see who it was in fear of getting caught. Chills crept up from her back to her neck as she shivered in the seventy-five degree weather.

Maggie started to pedal faster in hope of losing the person who followed. The feeling in her stomach still did not go away. She began to panic and started pedaling as fast as she could while her legs began to burn and ache.

She turned on the corner that lead onto her street and briefly got a look at who it was. Stanley Uris.

She left out a sigh of relief, knowing that it was just her old childhood friend, who just so happened to live on the same street. And right next to her.

As Maggie drove into her driveway, she noticed that there we're no cars. She was home alone. As she stepped into the door frame that led into her house, she took one last glance at Stanley, who arrived at his home too.

Maggie had completely forgot what he looked like. He looked like a stranger.

She'd forgotten the way his curls bounced up and down as he walked, or how his adorable dimples formed when he would smile. Or how she could just get lost in his big brown eyes every time she looked at him. Maggie had forgotten all of that. Maggie had forgotten who he was.

Stan and Maggie were the best of friends, but now they were just two strangers who lived next door. Strangers who had know each other their whole lives. Strangers who had told each other stories about their days and tales about their dreams. Strangers who would talk to each other up until the sun rose bright in the morning. Strangers who loved each other for who they were.

They weren't friends, nor enemies. Just strangers with some memories.


the wild youth.                                                 | stanley uris |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora