chapter ten: remember you are dreaming

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'I'll plant a row of daisy seeds,
In the space below each eye,
So they'll remind you of your beauty,
When they bloom each time you cry.'


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Maggie was quiet, cold, and still. But she wasn't quite dead. In fact, she was dreaming. While she was asleep in this world, she was awake in another.

Maggie dreamt of the day when she first met Stanley. How she tripped on those silly little shoelaces and how he offered for her to come inside his new home. There, they had clicked just like that.

In her dream, Mags felt nothing but happy. Something she hadn't really felt in a long time. She enjoyed being with Stanley and wished that she never had abandoned him in the first place.

Mags was now in a sunny, endless field of daisies. She was dressed in pure white, from head to toe. She found herself dancing, singing, and playing. The crisp air nipped her nose as the stubborn sun drowned her in golden daylight. She felt like she belonged there. She never wanted to leave, because for once, she was at peace. She was homesick for a place she wasn't even sure existed.


She felt an arm on her shoulder and turned around to see Stanley.

"It's time to wake up now," Stan softly spoke.

Maggie's smile turned to a frown and her heart sunk as she realized that this world was not real, it was only a figment of her imagination.

She paused, then spoke,

"You can wake me up when reality ends. Because my dreams are sweeter, and my nightmares are more gentle than this harsh, cruel world we live in," Mags quoted.

Stanley looked at Maggie with intensity, you could see it in his eyes. His heart longed for her, but just couldn't reach far enough.

"Please, Sunshine, come with me," he said holding out his hand.

"I can't, don't you get it? There's this never ending aching pain in my chest, that makes it hurt whenever I breathe. I kept telling myself over the past nine years that things would get better, but they didn't, they just got worse. Everyone that had come into my life had left without a trace. I realized that I had no one, and that I'm the reason why so many things don't work out in my life. I'm tired, Stan. I'm tired of people coming and going, I'm tired of waking up to an empty home, I'm tired of simply not being good enough. Sometimes, all I can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep, before I fall apart. Stan, I'm hanging on my a string, and soon enough it will snap. If this is how my life is going to be," she paused,

"Then I don't want it anymore." Mags' voice was filled with doubt and sorrow.

"Margaret, don't you realize how wonderful you are? When I met you, I saw sparks in your eyes, passion in your heart. You were always kind and gentle with me. You made me into the man I am today. I need you to come back to me, Mags. I miss you. I need you. I love you."

Maggie's eyes filled up with tears, and her heart pounded hard inside her chest. She realized the boy who she had loved all of her life, was standing right in front of her, telling her to come home. Her heart told her to listen, but her mind told her to stay.

"Stanley, don't you want me to finally be at peace? I'm happy here. God, I can't remember the last time I was happy. Everything is just so much better here." Maggie stated.

"Everything's better in our heads, but you have to remember you are dreaming. I will always want what's best for you. But this isn't real. None of this is. Eventually the sun will go dim and the flowers will dry up. It's just a dream, and you need to wake up." Stan said.

Maggie's face was damp with tears. She wanted to be with Stan. He was the only one who truly loved her. Not her parents, not Betty. Him. She wanted to go home, and he was her home. She held her breath and even though there was dilemma in her tone, she spoke,


Stanley smiled and walked forward, pulling Maggie into a warm embrace. She closed her eyes, and everything went dark.

It was cold and she was far from a field of daisies. She felt empty again, but something was different. She wasn't alone this time. Someone had stayed, someone had cared for her, someone had held her.

Maggie's eyes fluttered open to meet Stan's once again. His eyes were wet and his cheeks were stained. Stanley opened his eyes wide.



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