Mr. Badass

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Gaby's Pov

This morning when I woke up, I felt refresh maybe it was because I was dead tired by the time the meeting was over. Anyway I look up to check the time and was surprise to see that it was only 7 o'clock. I drag myself out of the bed and walk straight out of my room and into Ally's room. When I got there, she was still sleeping. I was going to wake her up,but thought better of it. I knew I was going to be late but I didn't care, I just walk back to my room and got on the bed. I would wake up before 1st block starts. I might be late but I don't really care.

Drake's Pov

This morning when I woke up, I kept on asking myself why I drunk that much yesterday. That was the first time I enjoyed a pack meeting. Now I have to go to school. I would stay home but my parents wouldn't let me.

I quickly got up to do my business in the bathroom. As soon as I was done I took out the first pants I saw a nod a shirt. I put on a pair of sneaker. With that I was on my way downstairs to get something to eat. My parents was on the table and I took a seat and my mom gave me a plate full of breakfast which was gone in a flash. What can I say I'm a growing boy.

" bye mom" " bye dad" I said to them and was already on my way.

I got to school within 5 minutes and quickly went to class before I receive a detention.

Gaby's pov

The second time I woke up,I look at the time and saw that it was just 11:37. Not wanting to stay home I got up and took a shower and brush my teeth. I went to my closet and pick out a similar outfit like the one I wore to the meeting. This time I wore a short jeans and a purple shirt with a flower design on it. For my shoes I wore converse. I couldn't wait for breakfast right now. So I'm gonna pass by dunking doughnut and buy something. A minute later I pulled into the parking.

" Hi can I get 3 doughnuts and a medium size coffee" I told the guy who was behind the register.

After what felt like hours my food was finally ready. I took out a ten dollar bill and gave it then took my food. I fixed my food on my bag and took off. By the time I reached the school it was almost lunch time. I park then went to my class. While walking I start to eat and when I open the door the teacher stop talking and was looking at me like I did something wrong. Stop chewing for a second and say

"You know you can continue teaching right" and with that I sat by that guy who I kept forgetting his name. You know that guy I had met in the forest. Never mind he's not important otherwise I would've remember his name. I look up to see everyone looking at me. I put my food on the table and start looking for my phone. I must've left it home.

" Are you just coming to school young lady" the teacher ask me

" I just came didn't i " I answered back.

" Do you have yesterday homework ?" He ask again

" Really , you're interrupting my breakfast mr."

" Why are you late Gabriela?"

" I slept late and when I woke up I was still sleepy so I went back to sleep. Now leave me alone and let me eat" and with that he left me alone.

Drake's pov

I know I come to class late but not this late and to make matters worse. She came in with food, if that was me the teacher would've kicked me out. Any way I started paying attention to the class when the door slam open. I look up to see it was Gaby's friend. She look at the teacher and got in looking as if she was searching for someone.

"Ali what are you doing here?" Gaby asked her

" I came to give you your phone stupid, you forgot it"

"Thanks, are you staying?" Gaby ask her

"Nope we came to give you back your phone. We're going somewhere"

This time it was her dad who answer.

" K. Bye dad" I heard her say

"Bye gabs, stay out of trouble and here's a couple hundreds for lunch and to buy somethings" and with that he kiss her forehead and was out the door.

" I'm bored now so I'm leaving" with that she too was out of the door.

All I can say is wow.

Hey guys, I'm gonna try to get the next chapter ready soon.

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