Moving to California

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This is Gabby. 👉

Gabriela's pov

" mom, how much time are we gonna be on this plane" I ask my mom.

" sweat heart, stop complaining wasn't you listening its 5 hours" she answer me in an annoyed voice.

I can't wait to see my friends when the plane board and the coolest thing is that we gonna be living by each other. I know cool right, but when I say right by each other I mean like to get there It might take me like 5 minutes. The reason I say it's cool was because last time in our old house it use to take me like 25 minutes.Not that I mind that but you get what I mean let's say I need to talk to them or something for something really important i have to drive for like 15 minutes. Anyway I talk to much.

Well my name is Gabriela Night. I am 17 years old, about to turn 18 next month. I have bright green eyes hat sometimes change depending on my mood. I have pale skin, fully pink lips, wavy black hair with purple and pink streak in them. I've been told that I'm beautiful, sexy, hot and other stuff but I don't care to me I'm just pretty. I also have curve in all the right place. My family is a werewolf, my dad is the alpha but I'm the future alpha until he step down. To top it all our pack, the night is the strongest pack in the world. My dad say that I'm the mot powerful out of all and that I have some extra powers but I don't believe himm I wanna see for myself. Anyway in my old school I use to play basketball, football, and volleyball. I like to sing, draw, dance,racing, and street fight. Any way am good at all of those. I'm good at every sports and did I mention that I run track to. Anyway looking around the plane I notice that everyone was doing something which mean they all busy. Some whispering to their friends, reading book, magazine,listening to music, and all that crap. I decide to just busy my self by listening to music on my iPod and try to get some sleep. I mean I might as well sleep to pass the time. As I close my eyes I fell into a dream about my ex- boyfriend. Out of the things and people I could have dream about, it had to be of that asshole.

" Gabby wait don't go, it's now what it looks like" my boyfriend well now ex- boyfriend, Darren say trying to grab me from walking out of his house.
" look Darren it's over between us, I don't care what you say because were over motherfucker so leave me the fuck alone". I say as I walk away. "I can't believe I waste my time on you, I didn't even like you"
I whisper as I enter my my car but it look like he heard me since he was trying to open my door, but I just ignore him and drove away. As I drove I couldn't help but think of how we met. Well I was walking to class after the second bell rung which meant that I was late but not that I care since I do whatever I want. As I was walking I bump into a guy.well me being me didn't pay attention to him but just push him so I could go to my class. When he saw that he grab me by my wrist and ask me to show him his first class , which when I look into his schedule he had with me so I just told him to follow me. That's how I met him then after that he just kept annoying me to go out with him. So I just said yes after a month or so. If it wasn't that I wouldn't even know him.

" Gabby Gabby wake up honey, were board" I heard a voice that could only be my mothers says so I woke up but I was still sleepy so I just follow her. After what 5 minute or so we saw someone came to pick us up so I just enter the car and get back to my sleep for the second time today. And once again I was being shake by someone so I just woke up and look around to see that we now by our house. I look at my surrounding and sure enough our house was by the forest. Which I thought was cool. After that I just went inside and look for a room that I can call mine which was very easy since when I got to the third floor I enter the first room I saw. This has to be the coolest, biggest room in the whole house. This room was magnificent. It had a balcony, my bed was on the left and the rest of my shit was in their place but I don't care right now I just want to get my sleep. So I just went to my walk in closet and take out a pjs to sleep for the night. After taking a bath I went straight to sleep. As soon as my head touch the pillow i was knock out.

( Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed reading his chapter well this is my first book so if any of ya see something that may be corrected, ya just tell me and I'll make the correction. Oh and if any of ya don't like this
ook don't bother reading it and don't send me nasty message or comment. Cuz I don't give a shit, if you don't like how I wrote my story then forget it. Anyway back to business, tell me what you think.



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