Pack Meeting ( part 2)

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Gaby's pov

After we got out of the school my dad brought us to the park. We spent about an hour playing together then we went home so we could prepare for the pack meeting.
Arriving home daddy told Ally and I to go and get ready. I kiss him on the cheek and went to my room with my best friend following. I was so happy she was here with me.
" So what do you think we should wear" I ask her walking to the closet.
" How about you choose what I wear and vice versa" she suggested"
"Nice" I told her already thinking of what she's gonna wear.
I took out a short skirt along with a pink off shoulder top that said " Bite Me".
I turn to look at Ally and saw that she pick out a skirt with a similar top for me only thing was mine was purple and it says " I'm the boss". I like our outfits.
I quickly went to the bathroom, take my clothes off and got in the shower. After about 5 minutes later I went to the room and I saw that Ally already left and I'm guessing she's in her room. I went back to the bathroom and did my business then went back and put my clothes on and took out one of my favorite sneaker. I put some lip gloss and got out to go look for Ally so we could go downstairs together where I think my dad is waiting for us.
" Ally get your lazy ass out of here" I said walking in.
She was already done so when I got in her room I saw her bathroom door open and went to check on her. Unlike me she never gets out of the house without make up on. She does it really light so it looks good on her. My make consist of lip gloss,mascara and eyeshadow. When she was done she look me over and I did the same thing to her. We had similar outfits, we even had the same shoes except for the colors. I didn't put nothing but lip gloss so she grab me push me on the chair and took out a purple eyeshadow I didn't mind her putting make up on me. After she was done we walk out the room and went to where my dad was waiting for us.

Drake's Pov

When I got home I had quickly took a shower, got dress and went to the kitchen to get a snack. My parents left a note saying they were at the meeting and that they were waiting for me. I made a quick sandwich and grab a snapple and I was on my way. I put the address they gave me on my GPS and I was ready to go. When I got there I was amazed. I mean the place I was told was a house is more like a mansion. It was very pretty and I wouldn't be surprised if this was were Gaby live. There's already a lot of cars parked and good thing there's a lot of space I park my car and ring the bell. I took a step back when the door open. Gaby's dad was staring at me. " Hi umm my parents told me to come here for the pack meeting".
" Come in son" he said opening the door and letting me in. I got in close the door after me and when I turn to ask him where I should go, he already left the room. I heard the sound of his voice and follow it and I saw Gaby and her friend coming down. I couldn't help but stare at her.
" Umm where should I go" I ask not wanting to get caught staring.
"Go through the back door"
I went through the back door and saw everybody. I went to sit by my parents but I saw my friends sitting at a different table so I walk over to them and we start talking. I saw a woman that seem to be around mom's age walk to the front with a mic.
"Hi everyone, I'm sure ya wondering why this meeting is taking place" she said with a small laugh.
" We are the Night pack and we just move here and we want to introduce ourselves" she said and walk back.

Gaby's Pov

I walk out the back door with my dad and Ally.
Everyone turn to look at us as we walk over to where my mom was talking to a woman that I'm sure I never met before.
"Hey mom" I said kissing her cheeks and turn back to the woman.
"Hi" I said to the lady.
"Gaby this is Rebecca, and Beckie this is my daughter Gabriela" mom introduce us.
" Hello Rebecca it's been a long time since we last saw each other" dad greet Becca with a smile and gave her a hug.
" It has been a long time, we need to catch up one of these days" she told mom and dad.
" Dad, me and Ally are gonna take a walk" I told him.
" Wait let's go introduce ourself then you can go and enjoy" he said as he grab my hand.
"Wait you coming Ally" I ask her but she just shook her and took a seat by mom meaning she was gonna wait for me but dad took Ally along. I smile and look ahead as we walk.
"Hello guys, I'm the alpha of the Night pack. My name is Lorenzo and this are my daughters Gabby and Ally"
He introduce us.
Ally and I wave and smile at everyone.
" Anyway it's starting to be boring so lets enjoy our self".
I went and put some music while dad brought out the snack table and Ally brought the drinks.

All in all the meeting was very fun, I enjoyed myself and there was some alcohol. I wasn't that drunk.
Now I'm so tired, I'm looking for Ally and I can't find her.
I'll see her in the morning I went and told my dad goodnight and did the same with my mom.
I went to my room and went straight to sleep.

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