Chapter 18

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it was exactly 9 in the morning when I decided to leave the bed. the house was eerily quiet indicating that Akio still have not woken up or at least I hope he's still asleep and not just avoiding me by locking himself in his room

even though I've been wide awake all night I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed and tried to let Akio sleep in as much as possible, god knows he need it

after a quick shower I brushed my teeth, put on a pair of sweats and socks before quietly stepped out of my room but I couldn't get my body to move an inch away from Akio's room, the pull to rush inside and hold his slender body between my arms was so strong I could not for the life of me get my body to move to the opposite side,

minutes passed by with me standing in the hallway like a statue , it could have been mere seconds for all I know but either way I didn't have it in me to leave without checking up on him so with my mind made I gently nocked on his door and waited a few moments but there were no sign that he even heard me, I was weirdly nervous, maybe anxious that somehow he slipped out during the night and just left but I know that wouldn't have been possible, I would have heard him and I can still smell his sweet scent,

my hand holding tightly onto the door knob I waited for a few more seconds but again there was nothing so I opened the door slightly inhaling his overwhelming scent before stepping in

my wolf and a body part of mine that I don't want to acknowledge at the moment twitched at the sight before me

Akio deep asleep on his back, the covers only half way to his underwear's waistband, shirt riding above his belly button where his hand laid there, I could see the faint hairs of his happy trail disappearing into his sweats, my wolf would have loved to explore downward even more but I quickly averted my eyes upward.

his left arm laid limply on the side of the pillow where I can see his long soft hair spread like feathers , it looked so fluffy I wanted desperately to run my fingers through it, his face slighty tilted sideways, small lips in an adorable pout, eyes closed, no frown, nothing. completely relaxed, he looked so innocent, carefree and so.. so damn inviting, my wolf was sprouting all kinds of dirty images in my head that would have put a proud Dominant at a BDSM club to shame

'you horny little fucker'

clearing my throat I shook my head slightly , hoping the blood flow would get rid of the pervy stuff I'm seeing in my head

I stepped forward and sat down gently on the bed next to him, I did not want to startle him awake but he need to eat so I kept my voice as low as possible and called out

"Akio.." nothing, so I tried again putting my hand carefully or his shoulder to give it a slight shake

"Akio.. wake up" his brows frowned but eyes still closed he turned on his side facing me

"..umm" he moaned out

"wake up, you need to eat something... I'm going to order breakfast" I spoke softly, my hand unconsciously rubbing up and down his arm trying to wake him up

hazel eyes red-rimmed from sleep fluttered open, I slowly got up then knelt down on the floor beside him, Squinting he blinked a couple of times to clear his bleary vision before his gaze settled on me

eyes still clouded he spoke

"..Zues?" a shiver ran down my spine at his soft but slightly deep morning voice, his confused tone and my name being called out by him had my wolf running in circles ready to pounce

clearing my throat I gave a tight lipped smile and said

"morning.. you should eat something, you can go back to bed later if you want"

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