Chapter 20

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I patted softly down the stairs, the living area was deserted except for the quiet murmurs of the TV, the fact that they decided to watch national geographic made my lips curved slightly into a small smile, weres watching other weres living in the wild getting filmed by humans who think they have the world all figured out and try to show other humans how fascinating Yet deadly animals are

I shook my hair out of my face, well let's get this awkward encounter started, I took a deep breath taking the last few steps then heading to the kitchen where I know the rest of them are

from the deadly silent emitting from there I know they heard me coming, I stook awkwardly at the entrance, my hands in my pockets, Lilly in a cute baby blue short flowy dress was stirring something on the stove with Zeus hovering over her for some reason, another guy who I'm assuming is Raven sat on one of the island stools, a steaming cup in front of him with his phone in hand, even sitting down you could tell he's a big guy, maybe the same height as Zeus but slightly leaner in build,

 dressed in an all black outfit, he was staring at me with a blank expression matching my own, a clearing of a throat made me break eye contact and shift my gaze slightly to Zeus's frowned ones, Lilly elbowed him sharply in the side making him grimance, before she shot me a smile

 no one said anything for a moment until Raven got up and headed toward me, by instinct I wanted to take a step back but I had to hold my ground, suddenly, in a second I was enveloped in a tight warm hug that left me frozen in place, I can smell his natural cinnamon spicy scent with a hint of rose water that reminded me of Lilly's

"it's very nice to finally meet you, I'm Raven, that airhead's bestfriend"

a growl from Zeus made me tense up in Raven't hold and in return he tightened his arms around me, his left hand going up my head to slowly pat my hair down affectionately causing Zeus's non stop growling to turn almost feral which made his bestfriend chuckle sofly

 his hot breath in my ear sending shivers down my spine, I never been this close and intimate with someone before, it felt different from that brief hug I shared with Zeus a couple of days ago, it was not unwelcomed but something I was not used to, I spent years with no physical human contact, it was not by choice in the beginning but I grew used to it and that was the norm to me

 I did not push him away nor hug back I just stood there frozen trying to figure out what to do in this type of situation but that didn't last long when Raven was suddenly ripped away from me and I found myself back pressed against Zeus's firm chest, his arms tightly around my shoulders holding me in place

"dude.. the fuck! you have a mate you can cuddle with, leave mine alone" he hissed, if possible his hold tightened even more


I'm his?

when did that happen exactly?

Raven put an arm lazily around Lilly who had inched closer to him with a knowing smile on her face

"your jealousy is showing, cute" Raven snorted at his mate's remark before adding one of his own

"I was just meeting my brother in law and making sure he feels welcomed, nothing's wrong with that, right babe?"

"of course Anata"

*Anata: Darling in Japanese. Often used by wives to their husbands when they want something or question something. To be said in a coy tone*

I inwardly snorted, that coy look on her face and the expression she used gave it all away

clearing my throat I tried to wiggled myself out of Zeus's tight warm embrase but he was not bulging not even an inch, his mouth watering scent overwelmed me and was threatening to engulf me whole so I did the only thing I could think off and elbowed him righ in the gut

My light.My darkness (MxM) (V SLOW UPDATE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt