Chapter 7

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Luckily it didn't take long to pack what I needed from my apartment, well- my old apartment now. I don't know if I should say it's lucky or sad that I don't have that many things to pack. heh .aside from clothes, toiletries and my laptop I don't really own anything, The furniture back in the apartment wasn't mine! It took me 30 minutes to pack it all but it took another 30 minutes to be able to leave, Boy The landlord wasn't happy at all. I didn't even think about this

 I just went up and left, no wonder he was livid.

And here I'm now waiting in the company's VIP parking place with my suitcase. After I left the company I got a text from what I assumed was Zeus that I need to wait for him here where no one will spot me

I really, really should have thought this through, Well it's not like he gave me an option but damn this is really stupid, What if he kicked me out later? I don't have anywhere to go back to now What if I—what if I just dropped dead suddenly? that would that be awkward

No no. positive thinking Akio


Just then the elevator door opened and out stepped Zeus, he took a quick glance my way and with long-legged strides he marched to his matte black Audi. Unlocked it and got in, I took that as my cue to follow- quickly putting my suitcase in the boot.. thank god I only got only one suitcase the space is quite small.

I got in the front seat and put my seatbelts on, from the knitted brows and clinched jaw I figured he's in a fool mood so I tried to be as quiet as possible but it still seems everything I do irritate him

"Took you long enough"

The muscles in my face tightened

"I've been here for 10 minutes" I said before letting out a small sigh-- I don't know what's wrong with him.

He gritted his teeth but otherwise didn't say anything. I couldn't stop myself from staring at his profile, face strong and defined, that sun-kissed skin, those soft looking lips that I actually had to hold myself back from touching-- he looked devilishly handsome

It would have been so easy to let the fantasy take me. To make me believe that this beautiful creature before me was mine and mine alone

A clearing of a throat brought me out of my daze and to my embarrassment he was staring- well glaring at me..He definitely caught me staring I turned my head fast to look out the window hoping to save some dignity and play it cool but of course the blush that accompanied was a dead give-away

It took a couple of minutes for me to actually wish he had said something because the impregnable silence that stood strong and explicit was like a perpetual screeching sound that made me hope for time to go faster so we could finally get to his house

Time didn't run faster but after exactly 30 minutes car ride we made it to his—penthouse

To his luxurious penthouse, I guess I'm glad he doesn't live in the pack house but this? It just made me feel so uncomfortable, It was like a confirmation that I don't belong here

 Everything was exceptionally modern, chic and squeaky clean. I never lived in luxury so this was way too much and I was so carefully walking right behind him hopefully I don't bump into something expensive and I definitely won't be touching anything

His irritated voice broke me out of my thoughts

"Stop following me. Your room is upstairs second door, there's a bathroom there you could use"

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