The King and the Angel

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Days passed by and Sera remained as a very important guest. 

Sera started to be able to control her emotions.  The weather still seemed to be very changeable but there were no more sudden huge storms  or tormenting heat.

Now I understand why Daniel always had that blank expression on his face. Always thinking before speaking, always on a monotone.  Yet the heavens remained a very nice place, with lovely weather, does it mean that Daniel was in love? All plants and flowers were always in full bloom, the air was always soothing.

The King Yulo always accompanied Sera to his daily activities. 

Today was another day they would go out on a horse wagon and visit towns or villages. Everyday the King always takes a time to visit his jurisdiction. One town today, another town tomorrow.

"Do you still not remember anything? " Yulo asked Sera while they were again on a ride to another town of Albione. It was a bit farther than the other towns they have been so far. He was occasionally tapping his horse.

Sera was also riding her own horse and a cast of King escorts were following them. "Apologies my King. I am not able to remember anything to answer your questions. " One of the servants handed each of them a canteen filled with water. Sera accepted and savored the refreshing water.

"Do you believe in Angels?" asked Yulo casually

Sera choked while drinking. " Why ask?"

"I heard of stories, they said that angels were taller and bigger compared to normal people. I was thinking if I was just a freak of nature or if I was really something special." The king gulped from the canteen still speaking casually. He had accent. The accent of Albione.

"You sure are very special my King. If you are a freak of nature, then that means I am also a freak..." Sera chuckled, the wind blew with some tickle 

"hahahaha" the laughter was followed with a smile. Yeah, yeah, it was obvious, they were the only two who had the same physique there.

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