Chapter 10 🔥 Unfated Love

Start from the beginning

Marcus as usual opted to be silent as he continued his observation.

"You decision will either save everything or start the end of the beginning."

"What the heck is that? Another riddle? Don't you people run out of riddles? It's driving me insane!" Vee shouted.

"What was the connection of that black mists I saw?" Marcus blurted out. He was starting to feel frustrated. He need an assurance of his inamorata's safety.

"What needs to be done must be done. The balancer already saw what she sought. Now, she needs to find what she found."

"Waaaaa! More riddles." Vee wailed like a banshee, stomping her feet angrily on the rocky ground.

The pull didn't wait another minute and enveloped the whole cave with a bright white light.

"Wait!" Marcus' shout of protests landed on deaf ears as his vision started to fail him and fell unconscious.  .  .


Demonic Realm.  .   .

"Of all places—why are you here?" A female voice startled him. He was surprised that he didn't even feel the presence approaching.

Am I that lost in my thoughts? He wondered.

"Ah, no wonder." Veron cluck his tongue upon seeing who his intruder was.

"This place holds a special part on your heart." Pearl stated.

They were both standing under an old enormous oak tree surrounded by wild flowers and grasses. Behind them was a still river bank with crystal clear waters that was very inviting to take a swim. The place was beautiful and serene. Perfect for lovers rendezvous.

"Yes." Veron simply replied.

"This tree is surely hiding you from the floating Angelicums." Again, Pearl stated.

"It did but still you found me." Veron answered with a smirk.

Pearl looked up at the giant-like sorcerer on front of her to meet his eyes and said, "You know why I came here. So what is your choice?"

Veron chortled. He sat down, leaning his back to rest on the rough bark of the tree. Closing his eyes he spoke, "This place is where everything started. My firstborn and my first love."

"An unfated love story that you messed up more tragically. Poetic." Pearl answered with sarcasm.

She was tapping her foot impatiently with her arms crossed on her chest. She didn't feel even a tiny bit of sympathy towards the disguised evil in front of her.

"It was because I'm a witzardian, a cursed being they said. No one was allowed to cross bred with us. Such racists, eh?" Veron laughed bitterly.

"Yeah. Granting that your clan is a victim for prejudice, but that still didn't entitle you to act the way you did. You proved everyone right and who suffered from your delusions? Your own people and Queen!" Pearl ranted angrily. If only she could knock some sense into him.

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