Chapter 7 🔥 Welcome Home

Start from the beginning

"Welcome home Princess Aqua." An endless line of servants chorused as she entered.

Sirenia was always flamboyant in their royal lifestyles. Flowery scents invaded her nostrils as each servant sprinkled flowers on her leaving a trail of cluttered petals on her wake.

"Where is her majesty?" she asked.

"The Queen is awaiting your company at the chamber of silent waters."

"Thank you. Please, you may all take your leave." She ordered to everyone, gesturing to be left alone.

Everybody bowed deeply and silently dispersed leaving her relieved and happy to be alone at last. Her hands trails the delicate patterns on the walls as she walked by. The coldness of the carved stones seeped straight to her heart. Pain, misery and regret filled her whole being. 

Exhaling a long sigh, she stopped right in front of a jade double doors.

"Her royal highness, Princess Aqua, has arrived." The palace guard stationed outside the chamber announced. 

"Come in."

Two words.

Two short words that set her whole being into a catatonic state. It wasn't just a surprise, it was a bomb that detonated right inside her heart. She watched with dread as the doors slowly creaked open. Her breath stuck inside her throat while her heart beats loudly in her ears.

"Come in."

The  voice said again sending shivers down her spine.

Daphne lifted her heavy legs one step at a time like two or more  bags of cement were latched on each side.

She clutched her chest, it was throbbing in pain when the voice spoke again, "breathe princess."

Upon hearing it, only then she realized that she was holding back her breath in her throat the entire time. Daphne gasped as she drew in a long raspy breath as if it was her last moment alive.

Her eyes landed towards one woman who was sitting in a middle of a still pond. With tears streaming on her face she whispered. . .



Werrian Realm. . . 

"Father, I'm back!" Princess Amelia yelled along the corridors.

A loud crash was heard from the dining chamber that made her sprint towards it worriedly. Grunting, she tried to push the heavy doors open, but unfortunately for her, it didn't even budge an inch. Looking around, the stationed guards were nowhere in sight.

Amelia puffed an irritated sigh and instantly dispersed in a gust of blue flame reappearing on the other side just in time that her father scrambled out of the doors at her back. They both turned around abruptly and came face to face with each other.

Amelia instantly threw herself to her father's open arms. Clinging like a gecko, she buried her face on his chest while her arms circled around his neck, her limbs encircled his huge belly.

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