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Ashleys pov. (Her last pov. ever:(!!)

"Gabe did you pack extra toothbrushes?" I ask my 18 year old son.

"Yes mom," He groans," Plus I'm pretty sure they sell toothbrushes almost anywhere."

"Hey don't talk to your mom that way, she just wants to make sure you are ready," Wes says. 

"Kay dad, but I'm good and ready," He smiles at us. 

Yes, Wes and I did get married. He was 27 and I was 23. Wes was still touring with Emblem3 and I got a job at an elementary school working with special needs children and I still work there. I got pregnant with Gabe when I was about 24. I am now 42 and Wes is 46. I think Gabe looks more like Wes to me, especially with his height since they both tower over me, but everyone says that he looks more like me. Drew also got married too! It was the same year as ours, a big year for Emblems. He married the sweetest, most down to earth girl named Rachel. Her and Drew are like the perfect match. Keaton is in a relationship with a girl named Becca, but doesn't want to marry yet.  

We hear the door open and someone shout, "Hey buddy!" 

"Uncle Drew!" Gabe yells and runs downstairs and we follow, "I didn't know you were suppose to be here," They hug. 

"Well I wasn't gonna miss the day that you went off on your first very own tour!" Drew exclaims, "Sorry auntie Rachel couldn't make it, her mom called herfor a family party,"

"That's fine," Gabe shrugs it off.

Also a yes, Gabe is a singer just like his amazing father. He goes on tour today and it's his ifrst tour without us coming. He wants to be on his own. For the first time. I feel tears starting to build up in my eyes. Wes wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his side.

"He will be fine, he has Carl. The best body guard around," Wes laughs but that only make me more nervous. Carl is not very reliable when it comes to keeping Gabe inline. But I must say he does take his job seriously in protecting Gabe so that eases me a little. 

"You're right" I nod as he rubs my arm soothingly. 

"Dad can you help me with my bags?" Gabe asks, Wes nods and he follows Gabe and Drewup the stairs. I sit down on a stool in the kitchen and as soon as I relax a little. I get up and trudge my way over to the door, I open it and there is Keaton and Becca. 

"Hey guys, come on in." I open the door wider and let them into our huge house. 

"Hey Ash, are we late?" KEaton asks giving me a hug. 

"Last ones here," I laugh. Unfortanetly Brooke and Breezie don't live near us in Hunington. Breezie lives in Florida with her family and Brooke lives in Tenessee with her family. Fortanetly they promised to check in on Gabe when he is near them. 

"Where is he?" Keaton asks. 

"Upstairs with the guys," I tell him and he goes up the stairs. I hug Becca and she holds me tight,

"How are you doing?" She asks me. 

"Pretty well. I just can't believe the day is already here. I'm so damn proud of him, so proud." I smile. We talk for a little while and then the doorbell rings. I excuse myself and answer it. 

"Hello Mrs. Stromberg," Carl smiles,

"Hello Carl," I smile and laugh.

"The bus is here and is ready to get loaded," He shows me the bus and it says 'Gabe Stromberg' in big bold letters. 

"OKay I'll call them. " I let him in and then go over to the stairs. "BUS IS HERE!" I shout. 

"KAY MOM" They all yell. Jerks. They all come down the stairs with a big suitcase. 

We all load the truck and Keaton and Becca say their goodbyes, Drew says his goodbyes. Gabe comes infront of Wes and I and i hug his torso and Wes hugs his shoulders. 

"You're gonna go far bud," Wes says. 

"I love you guys so so so much," I say to him. 

"I love you guys more," Gabe says hugging us tighter.

"I love you guys the most,"Wes says. We pull away from each other and Carl comes up to us. 

"You better take good care of him or I'll kill your ass," I joke with him. 

"So scary," He laughs. 

"I will also whip your ass," Wes adds. Carl widens his eyes and nod, terrified of wes's still very well built and muscular body. 

"Bye guys! I love you all!" Gabe says before he gets on the bus.

"We love you!" We say. 

"And Gabe," Wes adds and Gabe turns around on the stairs.

"Yes dad?" He asks. 

"Look out because you might just find the girl on tour," 


Badum Cheee and it's over!! Thank you all for reading and stayin a part of this!! I love you all so much and can't explain how grateful I am for all of you!! 

Please read my other fanfics Punk(Wesley Stromberg) and Silent.// Wesley Stromberg!!! 

Thanks for reading one last time!! 



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