Chapter 8

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Keaton's pov. (Surprise!)

I was goin out to breakfast with wes, drew and ashley and we were just driving around trying to find a spot to eat. They were all in a conversation and I was just looking out the window. It was almost fall so the leaves were changing colors an I looked really pretty. I didn't realize it but it was only me and ashley in the car. Drew and Wes must be getting gas since we are at a gas station.

"It's pretty isn't it?" she completely caught me off guard.

"Wait what?"

"The leaves are really pretty. people come to New Hampshire in the fall just to look at the leaves. They go up to the mountains and just look at the leaves. I always thought it was weird until one day my family went up. its so peaceful up there."

"That is going to be on my bucket list then. but they really are beautiful." As soon as I answered Wes and drew came back into the car.

"So we have no idea where we are." drew said.

"Just ask for directions then. or ask where we are. it's not that hard." ashley said.

"They are guys and they are to manly for directions." I chuckled and ashley laughed.

"We are not. I just don't like to annoy people." Wes replied looking back at me.

"Fine I will go you guys stay here I'll go ask for directions." Ashley hopped out of the car and walked into a gas station store.

Wesley's pov.

Ashley hopped out of the car and went to go ask for directions. It was my turn to tell at the guys.

"Why the hell did you say Ashley's sister was that hot blonde chick and why did you even bring up what I did at previous shows?" I said almost on the verge of yelling.

"I said that because that's the name I put in my phone when she texted me saying who she was." drew replied with his hands up.

"I don't know why I told her that. it just slipped out. why was she upset?" Keaton asked me.

"She was upset with both of those. she doesn't have a high self-esteem so please for say anything like that again." I said calmly. and ashley walked in and smiled at us.

"The lady was really nice and gave us a map of where we are and she marked the closest breakfast place.' she paused ' your welcome." she said before laughing.

"Thank you cutie." I said with a wink and drew copied me and Keaton being him just said thank you ashley.

"I don't know how to read this." ashley said moving the map all around. I started laughing and she just looked at me trying to be mad but once again she couldn't.

"Here I can read it let me see." Drew said. I'm not surprised because he can do like everything. Ashley and drew switched seats and we drive off. I looked into the mirror and saw ashley and Keats whispering to each other and giggling. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of Keaton back there. I shouldn't be though. she can do what ever she wants, she is a grown up.

"WES WATCH OUT!" Drew yelled and I stepped on the brake as fast as I could.

"Sorry guys." I must have zoned out honking about ashley. I took one more turn and where at the restaurant. We all jumped out and ashley waited for me. I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me.

"What?" I ask

"Were you jealous of Keaton when I was sitting with him? don't even lie to me." oh god.

"Why would you think that?"

"I saw you looking at us in the rear view mirror."

"Maybe a little."

The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora