Chapter 9

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Wesley's pov.

"I think someone has a crush on a younger lady!" Keaton sang as we were on our way back to the hotel. "Actually I think 2 people!" I tried to keep the best straight face but I just can't when I think of ashley. I love every little thing about her. how she always makes faces without knowing, how clumsy she is, how easy she is to talk too, how layers back she is, how she bites her lip when she is nervous, how she sits so awkwardly in a car and on the couch, how silly she is when she is tired, how when she is really tired she'll give you attitude and than feel bad, her laugh, her eyes, her small lips, her hair. I think she is just perfect. I like everything we have. we just can't be together. she is 15 and I'm 19. it won't work. but as soon as she can date me I will ask her. I am willing to wait for her. I really like her.

"Wow Wes it seems like you really like her." drew said while still looking at the road.

"Wait what?" I'm so confused.

"You just said all of that out loud..." I feel my cheeks burn up... Wait that means I'm blushing and Wesley Trent stromberg does not blush.

"What about you and amber drew?" Keaton asked. drew was still looking at the road.

"I don't think she is the one for me. we are so much different than me, everyone says opposites attract but not in this case I guess. but she will be a really good friend." I feel so relieved. that would be so awkward. after a few more minutes we go to our hotel. I got changed into sweatpants and pulled out the couch since I wasn't here for 2 nights. I laid down but it felt like I was forgetting something. I thought it was saying goodnight to ashley so I just texted her.

Sent to Ash<333

Goodnight baby girl:) sleep tight<3

A few minutes later I got a reply.

From Ash<333

Goodnight wessy:) sleep well<3

And with that I drifted off into sleep.

Ashley's pov.

I was in bed when my phone vibrated. I got a text from Wes.

From Wes the Sexiest Man Alive;)<333

Goodnight baby girl:) sleep tight<3

It made me smile thinking that he was thinking about me. Even though we were just together. I replied.

To Wes the Sexiest Man Alive;)<333

Goodnight wessy:) sleep well<3

I tried for hours to fall asleep. I was tossing an turning. I went outside with a blanket and laid down on my porch. It was a clear night. I found the Big Dipper and I mentally drew other images with the stars. I then fell asleep.

I woke up again in the middle of the night crying. I had the nightmare. I ran up to my room to get my phone. It was 3am. it was too late to call Wes so I just sat in my bed and watched tv bawling my eyes out.

It was now 7:30 in the morning and I knew Wes was up by now so I called him. After a few rings he picked up.

"Good morning cutie" he said all peppy. He was very awake.

"Good morning." I yawned while I was saying it.

"Still tired I see. didn't get much sleep."

"Not at all! I didn't fall asleep until 12 an than I woke up at 3 and I couldn't go back to sleep." I was wondering if he remembered.

The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now