Chapter 40 (Last Chapter)

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Songs(PLay when the title is mentioned-

'The Promise'- Tracy Chapman

'Tag Me'- Kat Graham

Wesley's pov. (His last pov. ever in this book):!!)

We are currently on our way to Ashley's dance competition and she is actually dancing today. She has her head phones in going over all of her dances, completely ignoring us.

"Don't worry guys, she isn't ignoring you. She does this every show and competition. " her mom explains.

"She looks pretty serious," I say.

"She is nervous, that's just how she hides it at these." She says.

"That's weird. I've never seen Ash nervous before," Keaton says.

"Normally she isn't this nervous. She wants to make sure she does good for you guys. Could someone tell her we are here." She stops the car and gets out.

I tap Ash's shoulder, "we are here." she nods and takes put her head phones and gets out.

"Wes can you help me set this up?" Ash asks. I look over and see her holding four poles, "it's suppose to be a rolling rack. I don't know how, but it's suppose to be one." She hands it to me and goes to the trunk of the car.

"What the hell is that?" I hear Drew say as I finish putting in the last pole. I look over at what he is pointing at.

"It's a toolbox that holds all of my makeup and hair stuff," Ash explains. So it's a toolbox with feathers and glitter. Okay, that's a new one for me, "Wes could you bring that over here?" I bring the cart toawrds her and she puts all of her costumes on it.

"How many are on here?" I asked astonished by how many costumes are on there.


"How do you remeber eight dances?" I ask and we start walking with me rolling the costumes and Ashley rolling her make up and Keaton and Drew pushing each other. Ashley's mom already went inside.

"How do you remeber all those songs?" She raises her eyebrows and smirks.

"Touche," I smirk back.

"Plus I'm in more for recital. I think sixteen or seventeen?" She debates.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim and she laughs.

"Hey Drew,the girls in shorts and sports bras are gonna be here today," She says right before we walk into the building.

"Thank The Lord. I've waited long enough," He complains and we all laugh. We walk over to the curtained area from yesterday and see Mrs.Chase sitting at the tables.

"So you guys sit with my mom and I will be in there getting ready," she smiles. I hand her he rack and kiss her lips.

"Just because I can't do it when you have lipstick on." I wink and she giggles.

"If my mom says something embarassing or stupid don't believe it either!" She calls out while entering the curtains. 

We have already watched six of her dances. She looks amazing on stage, she is amazing. This is much more interestingthan yesterday, although I don't like how much makeup she has to wear. I am sitting outside of the dressing room waiting for Ash. She has a few minutes to chat before she has to dance again. I already met her friends so I get this time alone with her. She comes walking out of the curains with a water bottle ine her costume. It is a navy sports bra and shorts with lace in my eyes. 

"Hey babe," I pull her into my lap, "You are doing amazing out there. Plus you look really hot right now,"I kiss her. We pull away and Ashley laughs.

The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora