Chapter 16

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Wes takes the blind fold off and the view brings back memories. I gasped.

"Wes, I can't believe it." he walked around to the front to see my face. His face dropped.

"Do you not like it?" he asked wrapping his arms around me.

"No...i love it!" I hugged him and jumped so that my legs were around his torso.

What stood before us was Fanuel Hall in Boston. The place he took me on the day of the concert. The place where he gave me the first piggy back between us. The place where we got to know each other. the place that I love now.

I jumped down and we intertwined fingers. we started walking down the road and we stopped at the restaurant where we ate last time. we sat down in the back booth where there were candles set up.

"Wes this is amazing!" he smiled.

"I wanted it to be amazing for our last night together before Huntington." I smiled and maybe I blushed a little but shh he didn't notice. the waitress came over and it was the same girl as last time.

"Ahh I see you two are still going strong.' she smiled ' so what can I get for you guys?"

We got the same stuff as last time and when she walked away Wes had a weird look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he snapped his head up.

"Oh well I kind of have to tell you something and it might be hard for you."

"Continue." I was nervous. like extremely nervous.

"Well there is this girl Carly who I dated before we left for this tour. we broke up before i left and whenever I would bring a girl home she would scare them away and then try to get back together with me. so she is probably going to say really mean things to you and try to get you to leave. so I'm just warning you." he sighed after.

"Okay." he looked up with wide eyes.


"Yeah. some girl who can't get over you doesn't scare me. she won't be able to make me leave someone I like." Wes smiled so big.

"Thank god" he chuckled and I laughed.

Our food came and we are quietly.

"Oh also we are going to disney land when we get to cali." Wes said quickly and out of nowhere. I opened my mouth and he laughed really loudly.

"Are you freakin serious?" I kind of yell. all he was doing was nodding and looking at his phone. I heard a camera snap and realized he was taking a picture of my reaction.

"Yes I am serious." He nods. I jump up and run around to his side I the booth an jump in his lap and hug him so hard. I would kiss him but I can't.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you." I said into the crook of Wes's neck. he squeezed me.

"Don't thank me, I wanted to do this." I pulled back and smiled at him. he smiled back. I retuned to my side of the booth when I realized the waitress was back.

"Oh you kids." She said playing around "do you want dessert?"

"No I am good."I respond.

"Me too." Wes responds too.

"Well here is the check pay when ever you are ready. don't party too hard tonight." she winks and walks away after she puts down the check. Wes pays and we leave.

We walk the streets of Boston once agin with our hands held. the lights are shining and everything is perfect.

Wesley's pov.

Everything couldn't be better. she is okay with Carly and she is so excited to go to Disney. plus the night is just pretty.

"This might sound weird but Wes I really love you. you make me so happy and I just love it!" ash blurts out looking down.

"It's not weird because I feel the same. you really have changed me ash. I really love you too." she looks up and smiles. she jumps up into my arms and hugs me.

"You are the bestest best friend." dammit I'm friend zoned. "I didn't mean to sound like I friend zoned you. Because I don't....I just.... ahhh... I'll shut up now" she blushed hard core.

"It's okay baby girl I know what you mean now." I smile and kiss her cheeks and her forehead. she blushed even more. I didn't think that was possible.

"Can we go because I'm tired of walking and I want to go to sleep." She said and I laughed.

"Of course you are! Just like the first night." we were now laughing together. "okay hop on." I said leaning down so ashley could get on my back. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"This probably isn't the most lady like thing to do. I'm pretty sure everyone can see my butt." ashley said giggling with her breather hitting my neck causing me to laugh too.

"Then you haven't been acting lady like all night then. this is I think the third time you are doing this." I said causing her to laugh harder. once she calmed down she replied

"Sssshhhhh I'm never lady like!" this time we both start laughing extremely hard.

We get to my car and I put her down and opened the door for her.

"Why thank you kind gentleman." she said

"My pleasure my lady." I winked and jogged to the other side of the car.

Once we start to drive back to her house 'Royals' comes on and ashley starts singing at the top of her lungs doing both parts. I'm laughing so hard I might have tears in my eyes. I wipe them off so I don't crash. when the songs end she pretends to bows.

"You are amazing. I wish I could sing as good as you!" I said freaking out.

"Thank you thank you thank you! I'll be here until tomorrow night!" she said pretending to bow again.

"This is the first time we are driving back from somewhere at night an you are awake. I'm impressed."

"Well we have only been in the car for fifteen minutes and I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight either! I'm to excited for cali!!!" She said the last part while jumping in her seat.

"Jut think, tomorrow at this time we will be in California at my house."

"Holy crap."

We drove the rest of the way home with ashley awake the whole time. when we got to her house everyone was already in bed and asleep. we got into our pajamas and laid down in bed. we were saying the randomest things. ashley was playing with my fingers as I start to doze off. I'm pretty sure ashley isn't sleeping tonight since I'm falling to sleep before her. She'll sleep on the plane.


Thanks for reading!!! I would like to dedicate these next couple chapters to @inlovewithemblemthree because she has voted for every single chapter and she is the best reader anyone could ask for! thanks so much!! comment any suggestions and comment how you like it!! remember to vote and tell others to read!! xoxo

The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now