Chapter 18

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Ashley's pov.

It is about one in the morning. I could not sleep. all I could hear was drew snoring. I sneakily slid out and out his door. I slyly walked down the hallway trying not to make a sound. I found Wes's door and opened it. There he was on his bed sprawled out everywhere. the blankets weren't even on him.

I crawled into his bed and wrapped the blanket around me as cuddled into his side. He wrapped his arms around me and he moved onto his side almost as if it was an instinct. with that I fell asleep instantly.

*in the morning*

Wes's pov.

I woke up with ashley in my arms. it was about 8 in the morning. I kissed her cheek to wake her up.

"Come on babe get up." she shifted a bit but then she fluttered her eye lids and opened them.

"Good morning!" she said while turning over so she was facing me.

"Good morning baby girl. when did you come into my room?"

"At like 1 in the morning. it was so funny because when I came in here you were sprawled out everywhere and I just took the blanket and cuddled into your side and you just pulled me into you. like it was an instinct," she laughed.

"It is my instinct to protect you." I smiled and she smiled.

"Let's go down stairs I'm hungry!" we got up and went down stairs. I went up behind her and hugged her.

"I really like your pjs." I whispered in her ear. I felt her cheeks heat up.

"Thanks. I would say the same to you but you don't really wear any.." she giggled.

"Good morning guy and girl." Keats said walking down the stairs.

"Morning" ash and I said in unison.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"She is at work, getting ready to go on a business trip." Keaton said.

I poured all three of us some cereal and milk and we ate in silence.

"What are we gonna do today?" Ash asked breaking the quietness.

"What do you want to do since it's your first day here?"I half said and half asked her.

"Can we just go to the beach?" She said after swallowing a bite of cereal.

"I'm down, surfing hasn't been the same without you Wes." Keaton said.

"Thanks lil bro. ya know ash we could teach you how to surf." I said.

"I'm good maybe another day. I'm gonna go for a run, anyone want to come?" I was surprised. she hasn't worked out or run this whole summer. it's not bad but I was surprised.

"I will I haven't really ran in a while, just lifted weights." I flexed my muscles. ash giggled.

"Stop flirting and just go for your run so we can go surfing!" Keaton said while running upstairs. we followed him to get changed.

Ashley's pov.

I came out in my pink nikes, pink shorts, pink sports bra and black tank top. Wes came out in black nikes and just plain black running shorts.

"Ready to go my lady?" he said reaching his hand out.

"Of course ready to go my gentleman?" I said while grabbing his hand.


We walked outside to the beach and I started to stretch just because I always do before I run or do anything. it's sort of a force of habit.

"Since when do you like to run?" Wes asked me while stretching also.

"I've never liked it but I have to do it to get ready for guard."

"Why would you run for guard."

Ah hell no my butch is gonna come out.

"Well to keep us in shape. we run around the football field for a ten minute show every week an then during practice twice a week. while we are running around the field we don't have breaks because we are spinning flags, sabers,and rifles. oh and we also dance in between doing all of that. so tell me why you think guard runs." I snapped. "sorry I didn't mean to snap."

"It's okay but I didn't know it was that hard so I apologize too."

"Let's get running!"

We ran for about an hour. we did a few races and I won all of them. Ii put me in a really goo mood. when we got inside the house drew was sitting in the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh a wild drew in his natural habitat!" I shouted as I went up and hugged him while Wes laughed.

"Get off of me you are all sweaty!" drew said while pushing me off.

"Go get in your bathing suit we are going to the beach!" I said while skipping up the stairs.

"Well someone is in a happy mood." Drew said.

"Yeah because I beat Wes in all of the races we did." I screamed down the stairs.

"I let you win." he screamed back.

"You can think that sweet cheeks. now hurry up and get ready! pppplllleeeaaaasssseeee!!!!" I went into m room and put on my pink hollister bathing suit. I put on one of Wes's t-shirts and flip flops. I took my hair out of its ponytail and put it into a small side braid. I then left the room and went to Keaton's door to tell him to come out.

"Bye guys!" we scream as mad an Keaton run to the beach. I laid my towel down and took off my shirt and put on my sunglasses. I laid down and Keaton went into the water.

I was soaking up the rays when someone sat on me.

"Keaton get off of me." I said with my eyes still closed.

"Good thing I'm not Keaton because this is comfy!" Wes exclaimed "drew come try this seat, it's so comfortable." Wes than got up and drew sat down.

"Dude you're right it's so comfy!"

"I hate you guys get off of me!" I screamed while trying to push drew off. I felt a huge amount of weight get off of me. "thank you love you." I blew them a kiss.

"You probably won't leave Keaton for too long." Drew said laughing. I'm confused. I stood up and then got a big wet hug from behind from keaton.

"You're right. I love him more." I went up to Wes an turned around and walked into him.

"You got water on me!" Wes screamed while picking me up onto his shoulder and running to the water. Deja vu... except this time I just let him throw me into the water without hitting him. I just laughed.

"Come swim with me!" I said happily just enjoying life right now. I went under water and apparently Wes went under water too and I bumped into him. it was super awkward because our lips bumped into each other. I went up for air and he did too. I ran out of the water.

"Ashley wait!" Wes screamed following me. I just ran.


Hey guys!! Thanks for reading!! hope you liked it! what did you think about the bump between ashley and Wesley?? comment what you think!! Remember to vote and tell others to read!! Thanks xoxo

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