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Yoongi woke up, but it was as if he woke up from a dream. He was back in Jin's room where Namjoon and he had arrived when Jin called, but his vision was blurry. Yoongi couldn't think straight, suddenly reality hit. All he could feel was a strong pain hit his chest. He fell to the floor, but he imagined himself falling into a pit of roses. Yoongi heard someone yell his name. Yoongi heard footsteps as if someone was running away, then he heard glass shattering. Yoongi touched his chest and lifted his hand up so he could see it. All Yoongi could see was that his hand was colored red all of a sudden. Yoongi's mind was a huge mess. Memories of the day he spent with Namjoon started to play in his mind like a movie. The. Yoongi realized everything that had "happened" was all a dream. From he and Namjoon staying in that hotel to the part where Yoongi fought Jin in the hospital.

Yoongi lay on the floor, unable to move. The pain was too much. He heard things being knocked over, then another gunshot. It started to rain outside. Yoongi smiled, he felt at ease and he wanted to sleep. He heard more gunshots and shouting. More footsteps then more sounds of things being knocked over. More gunshots, several this time not just one. Groans of pain disturbed the sounds of the rain. Yoongi wanted to close his eyes, but he heard someone call out his name.

"Yoongi! Stay with me!" Namjoon yelled as he rushed over to his fiancé who lay on the floor in a pool of his own blood. "Yoongi don't close your damn eyes you dork! I love you please just wait til the paramedics get here! Stay with me!!"

Yoongi wanted to sleep, but in his blurry vision he could see Namjoon crying.

"Yoongi damn it! Don't close your eyes idiot!" Namjoon continued to yell.

Yoongi wanted to comfort Namjoon, but he could hardly move without feeling excruciating pain throughout his body. Yoongi cried and so did Namjoon.

"Yoongi...please...don't close your eyes..." Namjoon mumbled.

Yoongi felt Namjoon's tear fall upon his cheek. Yoongi didn't like seeing Namjoon cry like that.

"I love you Yoongi please don't leave...not now..." Namjoon cried.

"N-Namjoon...I lo-love you too.." Yoongi whispered and coughed.

Namjoon smiled and Yoongi smiled back. After Yoongi saw Namjoon smile, everything went blank. Namjoon yelled and yelled for Yoongi to wake up. Yoongi felt weak. The pain was still there. Yoongi just wanted to rest, but he didn't want to leave Namjoon. He didn't want to feel guilty for making Namjoon cry. Yoongi opened his eyes, but all he saw was a paramedic checking his vitals. He looked to his side and saw Namjoon panicking. Yoongi tried to reach out, but the paramedics quickly lifted him up onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. Everything went blank again. All he could hear was Namjoon yelling.

"Yoongi!! Please stay alive!!" Namjoon yelled as the ambulance drove off to the hospital.

Namjoon quickly got into his car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. Namjoon wished that it could've been him instead of Yoongi. Namjoon was angry at himself for not immediately jumping in front of the bullet for both Jin and Yoongi. Once he arrived at the hospital he ran inside. The ambulance had gotten there before and they were already trying to revive Yoongi. Namjoon waited and waited, for hours. He couldn't handle the emotions. He kept thinking about Yoongi's bright smile, his soft pale hands, his warm body, his soft lips, and just Yoongi's entire existence in general. He loved everything about Yoongi, even his dorky personality and his passion for music. Namjoon cried more, but then he looked at his ring. He smiled as he thought about Yoongi and himself getting married one day.

Maybe after this whole mess, we'll marry each other Yoongi. Just please stay alive...

Many hours passed and the doctor finally came out to speak to Namjoon.

"Are you family of Yoongi?" The doctor asked.

"No I'm his fiancé Namjoon. How is he? Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay.." Namjoon cried out.

"Listen, Namjoon. Yoongi has passed away. The bull-" the doctor tried to speak before he was interrupted by Namjoon yelling.

"No no no! Impossible! Please tell me this is a joke!" Namjoon tried to deny the doctor's words as he yelled over and over again.

"Namjoon it's not a joke. Your fiancé, Yoongi, has passed away unfortunately. I apologize. We tried everything, but he had lost too much blood. We couldn't revive him, even if we did he would experience complications. He's in a better place now." The doctor explained.

"A better place? Yeah I guess you're right..." Namjoon mumbled as he got up and left the hospital.

He got in his car and sat there for a while. The sounds of the rain hitting against the car was the only thing that calmed him a bit, but not enough. Namjoon started the car and once he got onto the road he started to speed as fast as his car could. Namjoon didn't want to live. He felt guilty.

Namjoon realized he still had the gun he took from Jeongguk in the car. Namjoon drove to an empty lot and parked his car. He grabbed the gun, his hands were shaking. Namjoon cried more, but he knew what he wanted. He wanted to be with Yoongi, no matter what he had to do. Namjoon just wanted to be with Yoongi. Namjoon didn't want them to stay hidden anymore. If this is what it takes to be with Yoongi then Namjoon wanted to take the chance.

"We won't have to be hidden anymore, dork." Namjoon smiled.

Bam. Everything went blank, but nothing was hidden not anymore...

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