- Chapter 8 -

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Running was always something Yoongi despised, but he had no choice anymore. They both had to stay hidden away from three lunatics. Namjoon was still speeding hoping not to get pulled over by any police in the area. Yoongi was panicked. Namjoon stopped the car in a parking lot behind a building. The building looked practically abandoned, but it was a small motel. Namjoon quickly got out of the car and opened Yoongi's door, pulling Yoongi out of the car and holding him close. Yoongi was on the verge of tears. Namjoon didn't want to let go. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Yoongi. Namjoon didn't care about himself he only wanted to keep Yoongi safe at all cost. Yoongi wiped his tears.

"Namjoon we're going to stay here?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah just until things 'cool' down I guess you can say," Namjoon sighed.

Namjoon held Yoongi's hand as they both walked into the small office, but then they spotted a suspicious looking car with the windows tinted enough that you couldn't see anything inside. The car suddenly sped towards them. Namjoon picked up Yoongi and ran inside the office. The lady at the desk freaked out as both of them rushed in.

"What's wrong!?" the woman asked.

Yoongi looked at Namjoon and shook his head as to say, "Don't tell her about the situation."

"N-Nothing ma'am, I apologize for rushing in here." Namjoon smiled as he placed Yoongi down.

"Are you sure you don't look okay, what can I do for you two? Do you need me to call someone maybe like 911?" The woman questioned.

"Um no we're really okay, sorry for disturbing you." Namjoon tried to hide his frown with a smile.

They couldn't stay in the motel anymore, that car was for sure the car that the three psychopaths are driving. Namjoon and Yoongi walked out. They quickly got into the car and drove off once again. Losing hope, Namjoon parked the car on the side of the road. Yoongi looked over at Namjoon, he could see the pain in his eyes. Namjoon didn't want to put Yoongi through this.

"Yoongi..-" Namjoon was interrupted by Yoongi kissing him.

Yoongi held Namjoon's hand as they kissed. He didn't want Namjoon to feel upset at all. Yoongi pulled away from the kiss and smiled.

"I don't like seeing you upset, dork. Please smile more, we'll be okay." Yoongi tried to smile as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I just can't help, but worry so much." Namjoon sighed and hugged Yoongi.

Namjoon frowned and just began to drive again. They drove until they reached another hotel nearby, but then they saw the car that had just tried to kill them in the motel. Two people got out of the car. It was Jeongguk and Taehyung, they both had guns in their hands. Namjoon started the car again and wanted to drive off, but Jeongguk aimed his gun at the car and fired. It hit Namjoon right in the chest. Yoongi sat in shock, but knew he couldn't turn weak right now he had to get Namjoon to a hospital. Yoongi immediately unbuckled Namjoon and told him to try to move to the passenger seat. Namjoon did what Yoongi told him, but he cried out in pain. Yoongi sat in the driver's seat and without hesitation he drove off. When he was driving off, Yoongi had saw that two other people had gotten off the car through the rear view mirror. He thought he saw that Jin was one of those people. Yoongi denied it and kept driving.

"Namjoon stay with me!! Don't close your eyes! Wait til we get to the hospital!" Yoongi yelled as he sped down the street, passing every red light he encountered.

Namjoon groaned in pain as he tried to put pressure on the bullet wound. Yoongi sped into the hospital parking lot immediately parking by the ER entrance. Yoongi helped Namjoon out of the car and rushed him inside. Yelling for help, immediately nurses and two doctors rushed to them. They quickly put Namjoon on a stretcher and took him to the operating room. Yoongi sat down, he was still freaking out, but he couldn't stop thinking about how he thought he saw Jin get out of that car.

Is Jin dead? Did he know about Namjoon and I? Why is he doing this if it was him?

Yoongi felt dizzy and slowly drifted off to sleep. It was already past midnight when the doctor awoke Yoongi.

"Are you the one who brought the man with the bullet wound?" The doctor asked.

"Yes! I'm Yoongi and he's my fiancé, Namjoon! How is he?! Can I see him??" Yoongi panicked.

"Woah, calm down. He's fine, the bullet didn't go in too deep. We managed to get it out without any complications." The doctor smiled. "I'll take you to his room."

Yoongi felt relieved as he followed the doctor to the room Namjoon was being kept in. Yoongi rushed over to the side of the bed. Namjoon was asleep still from the anesthetics they gave him before surgery.

"You're welcome to stay for as long as you want as long as you don't get in the way of the nurses who will come and check on him." The doctor smiled as he walked out and closed the door.

Yoongi pulled up a chair to sit by the bed side. Yoongi held Namjoon's hand, which was cold, and kissed it. Yoongi cried as he thought he was going to lose Namjoon.

"Hey...why are you crying, dork? I'm not dead." Namjoon chuckled softly.

"Namjoon! I love you so much! I'll never leave your side.." Yoongi cried out as he hugged Namjoon.

"Ow ow not so rough, dork. I love you a lot too, hey you weren't the only one who was scared, I thought I would die and have to haunt you as a ghost!" Namjoon joked as he moved Yoongi's hair and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm not a dork!" Yoongi pouted.

Namjoon laughed and held Yoongi close. Yoongi smiled as he felt comfort once again. Namjoon sighed.

"Hey, Yoongi I don't think Jin is dead..." Namjoon said.

"What? You saw him too?! You saw him come out of the car?!" Yoongi questioned.

"Wait you saw him too?? I knew he wanted to protect you, but he's going too far now." Namjoon muttered.

"He's insane.." Yoongi whispered.

"I'm sorry for putting you in this mess, you're only going to get even more hurt and it's my fault.." Namjoon sighed.

"Don't blame yourself at all Namjoon!! Its not your fault those people are psychos!" Yoongi yelled.

"Baby, keep your voice down the nurses will hear you and kick you out. Just calm down once I get released, we're going to a place that I know we'll be safe." Namjoon smiled as he held Yoongi closer.

"I still can't believe that Hoseok was the one who really died though.." Yoongi cried.

"Hey it's okay..just sleep.." Namjoon whispered and kissed Yoongi on the head.

Yoongi slowly drifted off to sleep in Namjoon's arms. The room was cold and dark, but with the comfort and warmth of each other they slept well.

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